Keyframe Sequence Animation Player (Bones ONLY)

You probably made a few or a lot of animations and then wanted to migrate them to another experience from another creator or just wanted so everybody could access your animations, but Roblox said “No, no, no!” and made so animations can only be used by their creator, even in Team Create. Recently I have experienced this issue with my CS2 remake, when I tried to make workshop and to transfer my game from my account to Group.

This ModuleScript will allow you to play animations from KeyframeSequence, while being as close as I could make it to default animation player, fixing one of the biggest issues with Roblox.

This script pros and cons:
+Works with KeyframeSequence
+Doesn’t need to be loaded from servers
+Live animation editing
+Everyone can access your animation
+Will not get you HTTP errors
+Doesn’t flood your inventory
-Works ONLY with bones

:LoadAnimation(Root: Instance, Anim: Animation)
:Play(fadeTime: number, weight: number, speed: number, fadeEasingStyle: Enum.EasingStyle, fadeEasingDirection: Enum.EasingDirection)
:Stop(fadeTime: number, fadeEasingStyle: Enum.EasingStyle, fadeEasingDirection: Enum.EasingDirection)
:GetPlayingAnimationTracks(Root: Instance)
:GetMarkerReachedSignal(name: string)
:AdjustSpeed(speed: number)

IsPlaying: bool
Length: number
SizeMultiplier: number DO NOT EDIT
Looped: bool
TimePosition: number
Root: Instance DO NOT EDIT
Speed: number
Priority: number
Weight: number
FadeTime: number
Keyframes: table DO NOT EDIT
Bones: table DO NOT EDIT
Markers: table DO NOT EDIT
__index DO NOT EDIT
AnimEvents: table DO NOT EDIT
AnimatedBones: table DO NOT EDIT
ActiveAnimations: table DO NOT EDIT

I hope this helps you :wink:

Asset link:


Try to get this to work with standard Motor6D as well.

This would be revolutionary I feel like.

I will try, but this one may do it KeyFrameSequence Reader - Better LoadAnimation

Hey. Use this version of Class, please!
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