Kingdom Life™ II - Roadmap

Planned Features

  • Original Soundtrack
    • Dynamic location-based music player
    • Library of songs to choose from
  • Instruments (Gamepass)
    A new gamepass that will add various instruments to the game, allowing you to play one of a select few pre-recorded songs specific for that instrument
  • Badges
    • Welcome badge
    • Badges for visiting locations
    • Badges for discovering hidden locations
    • Badges for meeting people
  • Character Saving
    Allow players to save the characters they’ve designed, so they don’t have to remake them every time they wish to play as them
  • Updated Rules
    Aiming for a more inviting, friendly gameplay environment that does not restrict character creation as much, while minimising potential for conflict
  • Player Context Menu
    Ability to block players
    Character bio section
  • Donor Hat Editor
    • Ability to remove individual hats
    • Retexture options for each hat
  • Settings Menu
    • Music volume output
    • Instrument volume output
  • Weather (Experimental)
    Rain clouds, lightning flashes, pouring rains, morning fogs. This feature is not being developed at the moment and is not guaranteed.
  • New Race Builder interface
    Interface that allows you to build your own custom race models by swapping out body parts (This includes adding horns, wings, tails and ears)
  • User Interface (UI) Redesign & Revamp
    • New Main Menu
    • New Settings Menu
    • New Customization
    • New Race Builder
    • New Weapon Selection
    • New Donor Panel
    • New Fast Travel System
    • New Animation Integration
    • New Donation Board
  • Gamepass Model & Animation Revamps
    • Premium
    • Eastern
    • Fantasy+
    • Descended
  • Animated custom body parts (Race Builder exclusive)
    • Animated wings
    • Animated tails
    • New horn models
  • Mounted transport
  • Various bug fixes and optimization

Note: If you have any questions in relation to these features, you can join the Discord server (Find the link in the game’s Social Links) and ask me in the #dev-questions channel.

General Revamp Plans

Base Game

The base game content was the first one to receive its weapon model revamp. Similarly, it will also be the first one to receive its clothing model revamp. The weapons will have new animations and behavior. The Wizard Staff will receive a functionality overhaul. The books and potions found in the Wizard Tower will receive new models and animations as well.

Although it is widely requested, mobile support will have to wait until the UI Redesign begins.


The Premium gamepass content will receive its update in the last big update in 2021. Both the weapon models and their associated animations will be revamped and released in the same update. This will be done to bring the Premium gamepass’ content up to the appropriate standard.

The clothing for the Premium gamepass is planned to receive an update as well, but there are no estimates of when this will be released yet.

Examples of a weapon model, before and after revamp:

Examples of weapon animations, before and after revamp:
old-sidesword-attack1 sidesword-mode1-attack3.2


The Eastern gamepass will have its update split in two.

Part 1 will be an update to the Weapon Models, the Animations and the removal of obsolete weapons. (As well as renaming the weapons appropriately.)
In this part of the update, I will be using some of Auereillius (@DmitriyLazer)’s models, which he kindly offered to make for the game.

This update will also see the introduction of several Chinese culture weapons such as the Guandao, Liu Ye Dao and the Jian. Middle-Eastern European culture weapons are planned as well, but this is still on the drawing board and has nothing concrete planned yet.

Part 2 will be an update to the Clothing. I am currently considering commissioning someone to work with me on this update.


The Descended gamepass only has weapons. This means it is a relatively quick update to make. This gamepass will see all of its weapon models reworked, and replace its current animations with completely new ones.

The particles on the Descended weapons will also be revamped to better fit the rest of the game, and look less tacky and out of place.


Similar to the Eastern gamepass, the Fantasy+ gamepass will come in two separate updates. Unfortunately I will need to replace some more models in the clothing section for this.

All of the Weapons and Animations will be reworked, the Wizard Staff will be given the same functionality as the Base Game Wizard Staff.

What else?

The Hreinngar Gamepass, Farming Tools Gamepass, and Town Gamepass will not be receiving a revamp, with the exception for the Farming Tools’ code. They’ll receive the newest version of the Combat update.
I will not add the helmets to the Hreinngar Gamepass unless I decide to rework the original helmets used in Northern Tales

The map and environment will continue being worked on by @Ahlvie . I’ll be taking over interior designs, as well as the redesign of the Elven Forest, Dwarven Cave and the Underworld.

There’s currently no updates or news on the Fairy gamepass. This is very low on my priority list at the moment.

Lastly, the Bucket gamepass will receive a new bucket weapon. This will be a normal bucket that you wear over your head, and hold in two hands when using it as a weapon.


DISCLAIMER: This roadmap was written up as a guideline and rough estimate, not as a set schedule. Any release dates here are only estimates and are always subject to change.

  • Halloween update (October 30th, 2021)
    • Adding halloween-themed props to the map
    • Bringing back the ‘Halloween’ sort in customization
    • (+) Exclusive Reaper outfit pieces
  • Premium Revamp Update (Q4, 2021)
    • OST & Music Player
    • Castle Interior and Exterior Update
    • Premium Weapons Model Revamp
    • Premium Weapons Animations Revamp
    • Add new Animations to Base Game weapons
  • Christmas Update (December 25th, 2021)
    • Snowy map
    • Snowy weather
    • (+) Exclusive Santa outfit pieces
  • UI Revamp (Q1, 2022)
    Full overhaul of the User Interface to increase convenience, ease of updating, increasing security and optimizing performance.
    • (+) New hat options for the Donor panel
    • Character Saving
  • Base Game Clothing Update (TBD)
    • Updates all of the base game’s top and bottom models
    • (+) Potentially new designs to the selection
    • (-) Remove any duplicates that can easily be created by recolouring
  • Instruments Gamepass Update(TBD)
  • Eastern Weapons Revamp Update (TBD)
  • Descended Revamp Update(TBD)
  • Fantasy+ Revamp Update(TBD)