KiwiCursor | A customizable, feature packed mouse and GUI tools (v0.02)

:floppy_disk: GitHub | :open_book: Documentation | :kiwi_fruit: Install | :video_game: Demo

KiwiCursor is a heavily customizable mouse that also has a lot of useful features, it also contains features not added to the current mouse such as better billboard support, better dragging, 3D gui functions, and more.

:desktop_computer: Mouse:

The mouse can be customized however you like by layering multiple images, creating unlimited custom mouses, or changing the layers with the following options:

  • Unlimited Icons
  • Icon Priority (Set the render priority of mouse icons)
  • Icon Layers (Stack images to create a single mouse)
  • Rotation, Position, Size, Color, Image
  • Display Order (Set GUI to display over the mouse)
  • Mouse Interpolation (Tween the mouse’s position)
  • Always Update Toggle (Re-render mouse every frame)
  • Link cursors to Parts or GuiObjects

:sparkles: Gui:

The mouse comes with SurfaceGui and BillboardGui built in and can support numerous useful features like:

  • Localized Positions for 3D Gui (Get a 3D vector translated to an absolute position)
  • Gui Collisions (Get touching GuiObjects)
  • Revamped 3D MaxDistance and CurrentDistance
  • Draggable and Resizable GuiObjects and DragDetector support
  • 24 Unique Signals/Connections


@jaipack17 - Math behind GetGuiCorners()
@stravant - GoodSignal package

:kiwi_fruit: Wanting to try KiwiCursor?

Get started here, there is a tutorial in the documentation. (The docs are also featured in the module itself)

:warning: Since this tool is in beta, report bugs or make suggestions in github issues. I will try to respond to questions as soon as I can, make sure to suggest some features you would like to see.

thanks for reading and have fun with this module! :kiwi_fruit:

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Could you please add some example videos?


Working on a demonstration game, will be added with 0.02 later today

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Version 0.02 Changelogs

  • Demo game has been added

  • Added linked cursors, allows you to link cursors to parts or GuiObjects, just create an attribute called “Kiwi_LinkCursor” and put the name of your cursor in the attribute, you can also customize it in Kiwi.Settings.

  • Kiwi.SetUpdateConnections() has been added, it will reset connections, you should use this if you want to update Kiwi.Settings.AlwaysUpdate while playing.

  • Connection.SetOverride() has been added for BillboardGui and SurfaceGui, if set to true the gui will no longer be hidden by KiwiDistance

  • Connection.VisibleChanged() now works even if you have enabled override.

  • KiwiDistance.Settings.Override is off by default now.

  • Fixed DragDetector showing Kiwi.Cursors.GrabHover when out of range.

Documentation will be updated soon

Version 0.03 Planned Features

  • Adding scalable GuiObjects and Kiwi.Cursors.ScaleTop, Kiwi.Cursors.ScaleBottom, Kiwi.Cursors.ScaleLeft, Kiwi.Cursors.ScaleRight

The mouse feels sluggish when testing in the demo place. Dunno if it’s just me.

Adding some example videos would still be appreciated for people who either don’t have the time to play the game or do not currently have a device at hand which can play the game.


Pretty cool! I would definitely use this whenever I need a cursor controller! Have you considered adding a license to the repository? Anyway, I’m glad there’s a GitHub repo. :happy3:

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I thought it was fine–I am running on ~240 FPS if that changes anything. I haven’t opened it in studio, but I think the cursor seems fine to me in-game.

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The mouse lags a bit behind the real cursor because operating system’s can render the mouse faster than your fps, this doesn’t effect the speed of inputs but will result in the mouse position being off because roblox’s native cursor uses this (you will only see this effect in-game, not studio for some reason)


I will work on a video tutorial/demonstration, can’t do it right now unfortunately

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yes, thank you so much. Literally I need a video tutorial to know step by step if I want to adjust something

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Version 0.03 Changelogs

  • Resize default cursor has been added, required cursor

  • Added resizing, currently only works with non-rotated and anchorpoints that don’t include decimals. (1,0) works (0.5,0) does not.

  • KiwiCollisions now has more functions added

  • Drag now works with anchor points

  • Mouse will no longer show if keyboard is disabled, such as mobile or console

  • Added ResizeDistance, default is 5, its the distance to the edge that you can resize from.

  • Demo game has been updated to include resizing

  • Documentation has been updated

Version 0.04 Planned Features

  • Resizing working with rotations and anchor points
  • Revamped settings and cursors
  • Tutorial video

I’m on mac os and the mac cursor is still being shown. its probably a roblox problem tho?

Had this issue before, was fixed by entering the esc menu and exiting. I don’t know what causes this

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I think it should be fixed, removed mouse disabled and just made the mouse invisible

I found a bug, after resetting, for some reason when I move my mouse it spits out this error: