Knightmare Server-side Anti-Cheat Service [updated 1/3/2025]

That’s good because it means I can load up the same template and experiment with different ways to work on detection through the vehicles.

I think I had said that before but at least you know now. And yeah it is a good thing. Just so your aware the client can modify the boost time and recharge time (car model.Engine and look at the attributes) but I have created a server script on the remote event to the server to help prevent this.

I thought you could use that info for debugging purposes. Good luck and thanks.

This looks promising! I might use it in my projects.

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Service update today. :tada:
If you are using the auto-update code version, then your servers are already protected. :+1: Instructions for setting up your game to auto-update with each version release is located at the first post on top.

If you prefer the manual update method, I’ve updated the download model at the top as well.


  • Scans increased to 5 times per second.
  • Added New Teleport Scan exception for developer chosen models.
  • Service load uses print instead of warn statement to avoid spamming the error analytics.

Explanation of recent changes:

  1. The change finally happened. Scans have been increased from 4 times per second to 5 times per second. This increases the resolution of scans, helps to decrease the number of false positives, and does NOT create a performance hit on the server either. To make sure this doesn’t break any game play, a lot of testing and code tweaking was done to make sure this is flexible during high server loads. Basically, 5 scans per second is the target, but if Roblox service issues or game play is slowing down the server speed, it will adapt to work with 4, 3, 2, or 1 scans per second and still be stable against false positives. The lower number of scans, the less accurate it is, but this helps to prevent it from punishing innocent players. :wink:
  2. The new teleport model exception was a great idea suggested here. Basically, a developer can set a boolean attribute on a model “KM_TELEPORT_IGNORE_MODEL” to true. This will make it “invisible” to teleport cheat scanning. Any descendants under this model will also be ignored for scanning. It only works on the first Model detected as to avoid any unknown ways to exploit this against multiple models at once. This has to be enabled in the configuration file, so it is not auto-update friendly :frowning_face:, but as are all new features when they are included in a new release. It would mean you need to download the latest version of the anti-cheat service model and copy some old configuration settings to the new configuration setting file. Otherwise, the new feature is ignored to avoid breaking anything in-game for developers using the old model configuration file.
  3. Finally, just some tweaks to avoid spamming your error anaylytics. The old service statement used a warn to alert the Dev that the service had started (mainly for debug reasons) and since Roblox added error analytics, it just spams your logs as many times as a game starts. For the top Roblox games using this anti-cheat service, that would be millions or billions of spam entries in their log files. :melting_face:

I will update the documentation to include how to use the new features, etc. in the near future. :grin:
[edit] Documentation Updated with a vehicle example and some other technical info.