Knights of The Sun Lore [Part 1]: An Introduction

The years begin in at Z.E. (Zarek Area). The time before that is know as B.Z.E. (Before Zarek Era).

The Beginning (B.Z.E. ~ 10,000)

The story of the Knights of The Sun begins thousands of years ago in a land called Oshia, which happened to be next to the sun. Oshia was a thriving land. It was bountiful and beautiful. The fields were as golden as the sun itself, and the leaves upon the trees were a beautiful sight. Oshia had rivers, oceans, and seas. It had mountains and hills. It had forests and great cities and towns all across it’s surface. Those who lived in Oshia called themselves Solarsians. They were skilled in many things, but took up magic, combat, scholarly, and diplomacy. Because their kingdom was so great, they needed someone to rule them, thus they started a dynasty that would last for years to come. This dynasty was related to the all mighty god of the sun, Nyrasian. Oshia flourished for many years after that, until a civil war broke out due to a small extremist group. This small group soon grew into a large militia. The war had begun.

The Civil War (B.Z.E. 1,0000 - 1,263)

It was a shock to many that after such a long time of peace and prosperity that a war would break out. Both sides had 1000s of warriors ready to put down their life for their causes. Many battles were fought, but in the end the Oshian government was victorious, but the war had already took a heavy toll on the land. Oshia was destroyed, crumbling and desolate. They had won the war, but lost their home. Thus they travelled down to earth, looking for a way to cure their dying home. But they remained there, for much longer than they expected, and they mixed into the population of the earth. Thankfully they stayed mostly together. They were still very skilled in all things that they were once, so they became a strong force and an image of hope for the people of the world. They had become The Kingdom Of Eshia

The Founding of The Knights of The Sun (Z.E. 1)

The great King Zarek was the one to found the official order. He wanted his country to be a symbol of peace and strength, thus he went along with the old fables of knights from the sun. He trained his new order to fight with Swords, Bows, Magic, and Words. Soon after, The Knights of The Sun were known all over the continent. After The Knights of The Sun were known throughout the land, they started doing jobs and missions for the surrounding countries. Thus, the order continued to grow.

The Fall of the Solarian Bloodline (Z.E. 123)

About 100 years after Zarek The Great founded the knights of the sun, his dynasty was ended, and the Avorian Dynasty took over. This happened when a group of rebel fighters went into the capital, (which has been lost to time) and executed nearly all of the royal family. I say nearly because one person escaped. This person name was Marcus, the ancient ancestor of William Solarias. Marcus went into hiding, becoming one with the common people.

Skorlar (Z.E. 246 - 260)

The reign of Skorlar is a dark part in the history of The Knights of The Sun. He ruled with terror, fear, and extreme power.

An Example Of His Anger

One day, while he was thinking of evil plans for the future in a room, his sister, Clarice, came in. Ever since Skorlar had started with his evil ways Clarice always asked for him to stop. She knew that someday, it would cost her. Yet she continued.

“Brother! You can not continue to do these mad things! Stopping the food route to Spontsal was enough! But now you have cut off their water?! They will starve and thirst! Do you wish that upon them?” She yelled.

And then, with a sad grin Skorlar said back: “Ah, sister, you yet to understand. If someone does something wrong, they must be punished. I am not starving them. They are. By not following the laws, they are forcing me to cut off their supplies. If you care so much, then maybe you should go there and convince them to stop breaking the rules.”

“You monster! Some of those families were already starving with only enough money for 1 meal a weak! Now they will surely die! The Spontsalian farms were not made for this sort of thing! They can not make that much food!” By now Skorlar’s anger was beginning to boil.

“Shush you fool! You no nothing of what is happening in this kingdom! I am the Sun Lord, not you! Tell me when you have accomplished something worth while in your life and then you can argue! But until then… LEAVE!” The man fumed.

“No! I won’t leave until things go back to normal! Before you were Sun Lord! Before a maniac ruled our kingdom! Before a madman sat on the throne, and before your ugly, selfish, sot of a soul was ever in this once wonderful world! You stupid, STUPID, man! Go back to the hole in which you came from!” She screamed. And then she noticed what she had done. She tried to apologize, but it did nothing. He took his dagger from his belt and killed her on the spot. He had no remorse. Ever.

After many years of the kingdom going from bad, to worse the people of Eshia finally revolted and Skorlar was kicked out of power. Never to be seen again. Many years pasted after that and Skorlar was forgotten to history.

He does return!

Years Later… (Z.E. 3,679)

[This is the current century as of 2023 real time.]

Long had it been since the great nation of Oshia had risen, and fell. Long had it been since King Zarek started the Knights of The Sun (which still remained). Long had it been since Skorlar had made a black mark in our history. The current king’s name was William Solarias, and he would end up to be the greatest Sun Lord to ever rule. With Mine, the Sun Searcher and Cursed the Sun Slayer at his side he would make a new era in the history of The Knights of The Sun. (But that’s spoilers)
He raised a mighty force and combatted the Ovum empire and many more enemies.

This is the end of The Knights of The Sun Lore [Part 1]. Don’t forget to read [Part 2]!