Kult's Hitbox System [Use for Combat Hitboxes]

As well to add to this, the anti cheat fires inside the module so there no need to fire it twice.

I don’t need to setup the hitbox configuration, I can just fire the remote directly without interacting with the module

Just setup the hitbox and execute the EXACT script that I used using the command bar, then you’ll see what the issue here is.

The point I’m trying to make is that exploiters can spam the remote and damage everyone in the server, not normal players

I get what you mean now, I mean it’s a pretty easy fix as in, if you don’t insert anything in then it’ll auto default to a settings instead of nil.

Soon, I’ll make a V2 of this Hitbox System. I’m going to improve/organize it and make it more safer from exploiters.

I want to add on this, it’s very important to protect yourself from exploiters. Please keep the settings on the server, and not on the client. This can prevent from exploiters to choose their own settings and shoot it through the remote event.

V2 System is officially out now! It’s way better than V1 system, check it out.

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