Lag Exploit Patch?

Hi there, I am currently a developer at Solera Resorts, a social group on Roblox (Solera Hotels & Resorts - Roblox)
We have an average player count of 100-120 during the day, and 40-60 during the night. (For American timezones).

However, we have been experiencing bots come into our game and spamming lag exploits, causing the server to lag badly, as the more players there are, the more intense the lag is.

Our group is not the only one dealing with this situation, as groups such as Boba, a group with over 123K+ members, and Fizze, a group with over 70K+ members, are also dealing with the exploit situation.

I would like to know how I can patch this lag exploit, and would like to know how it works. I have no idea what method is being used to lag the server, and I would really appreciate your help. Thank you!


This sounds very similar to a recent thread: Exploiters crashing my servers, cause unknown

I heavily recommend you check it out! It will help you get up to speed.

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Thank you so much for the link, I see what is happening now. Thank you again!


It’s an exploit that spams the chat remote, So u could make a check and see if the player is spamming and then kick them.

local ChatRemote = ChatRemote -- Forgot where it is...
local Ticks = {};

local SpamCheck = .1 -- The exploit spams really fast, So regular players would not be affected.

local function LogInfraction(Name, Infraction) -- You can save the infraction to their data store for further review...
	local Data = PlayerData -- Whatever their data is
	table.insert(Data.Infractions, {["Infraction"] = Infraction, Infraction, ["Data"] = tostring(os.time())}) -- You can use os.time to get the date
	wait(1) -- Lets the code wait a bit so the data store saves.

	if not Ticks[Player.Name] then
		Ticks[Player.Name] = tick()
		local LastTick = Ticks[Player.Name]
		local TimeFromLastTick = tick() - LastTick

		if TimeFromLastTick <= SpamCheck then
			LogInfraction(Name, "Lag Exploit")
			Player:Kick("Lag Exploit Detected")

Kinda went a bit far with the data store thing but it’s a nice touch, Not sure what ur data set up looks like, But anyways, Hope this helps. :slight_smile:


Looks like a useful script, though I wouldn’t wait 1 second before kicking the player. Perhaps switch the calls to LogInfraction and Player:Kick, so the kick happens first?

For the ChatRemote, I wonder if it is this one found in player.Chatted:Connect(...)?

Maybe increase the SpamCheck value, as I would be surprised if normal human players are capable of typing in chat messages, with less than 100 milliseconds between each sent message (unless a network congestion happening - or just doing copy’paste very quickly, which would, sort of, be equal to spamming.) - Hmm? Or use some implementation of the ‘leaky bucket’ algorithm, so an ordinary player wont be punished (i.e. kicked) due to network issues.

Also maybe check for a maximum length of the message, so anything larger than, lets say 200 characters, would be “suspicious activity” if happening frequently from the same player.

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This sounds like Exploiters crashing my servers, cause unknown BUT I have heard that its not bots? Its normal people and players with a script that freezes the server my friend owns this game that gets visits daily but when somebody like with a new account or something the server just freezes and when I reload the server the player is gone, I dont know if its the same situation, But yea I think its happening to my friend as well.

This is a script that has been released on the site (common exploiting forum). It was created by the user wallythebird and I can’t tell you how it works because I am unable to deobfuscate the script. It might use the well known “weld method” where you would make an infinite for loop to generate lots of welds into your character, then you would reset. I am not sure if that is the problem though, it might be a more private exploit of some sorts.

I’ve put this in and set it up correctly, but however, I still have the same problem. I’ve put in an weld spam patch, a sound spam patch, and a chat spam patch. I’ve committed all the scripts and published it, and I am still experiencing this problem.

I’ve put in an weld spam patch, a sound spam patch, and a chat spam patch. I’ve committed all the scripts and published it, and I am still experiencing this problem. It does not seem to be a weld spam method.

Oh true, you could kick the player first, but then you wouldn’t be able to log it in their data.

Perhaps my code is wrong or maybe u need to increase the spam check value as one user stated above. However I do know that my approach is correct, as it’s a perfect way to detect the time between sent messages.

I’m still experiencing this problem. Any help?

I’m not sure if this is still an issue, but Here’s a patch.

–Anti exploit crash script
local Players = game:GetService(“Players”)

function GetPlayerByWeld(WeldObject)
if not WeldObject then return nil end
for i,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
if v.Character and WeldObject.Part0 and WeldObject.Part0:IsDescendantOf(v.Character) then
return v

if Object:IsA(“Weld”) and Object.Name == “RightGrip” then
local Player = GetPlayerByWeld(Object)
local WeldCount = 0
if Player then
if Object.Parent ~= nil and not Object:IsDescendantOf(Player.Character) then
for i,v in pairs(Object.Parent:GetChildren()) do
if v:IsA(“Weld”) and v.Name == “RightGrip” then
local Owner = GetPlayerByWeld(v)
if Owner and Owner == Player then
WeldCount = WeldCount + 1
if WeldCount > 2 then

If it doesn’t work, Let me know, I’ll try and revise it.

--Anti exploit crash script

local Players = game:GetService(“Players”)

function GetPlayerByWeld(WeldObject)
if not WeldObject then return nil end
for i,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
if v.Character and WeldObject.Part0 and WeldObject.Part0:IsDescendantOf(v.Character) then
return v

if Object:IsA(“Weld”) and Object.Name == “RightGrip” then
local Player = GetPlayerByWeld(Object)
local WeldCount = 0
if Player then
if Object.Parent ~= nil and not Object:IsDescendantOf(Player.Character) then
for i,v in pairs(Object.Parent:GetChildren()) do
if v:IsA(“Weld”) and v.Name == “RightGrip” then
local Owner = GetPlayerByWeld(v)
if Owner and Owner == Player then
WeldCount = WeldCount + 1
if WeldCount > 2 then

We already had a RightGrip exploit patch, and it was a chat spam exploit that was used to lag the server, but however, thank you for your attempt.

You still yet having this issue? We’re having a similar issue also…

No, as we pushed a patch for the clean spam lag exploit.