Leaderstats abbreviation

How can i abbreviate the leaderstats?
This Should be 17.2T and not 17,200B.
I can abbreviate everything else but leaderstats.

This is how i abbreviate guis:

local AbbreviateNumber = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.AbbreviateNumber)

while (1) do
local number = game.Players.LocalPlayer.leaderstats.Cash.Value
script.Parent.Text = number
local text = AbbreviateNumber:Abbreviate(number)
script.Parent.Text = text

Thats the Abbreviation script in RS:

local AbbreviateNumber = {}

local abbreviations = {
	N = 30;
	O = 27;
	Sp = 24;
	Sx = 21;
	Qn = 19;
	Q = 16;
	T = 13;
	B = 10;
	M = 7;
	K = 4

function AbbreviateNumber:Abbreviate(number)
	local text = tostring(math.floor(number))

	local chosenAbbreviation
	for abbreviation, digits in pairs(abbreviations) do
		if #text >= digits and #text < (digits + 3) then
			chosenAbbreviation = abbreviation

	if chosenAbbreviation then
		local digits = abbreviations[chosenAbbreviation]

		local rounded = math.floor(number / 10 ^ (digits - 2)) * 10 ^ (digits - 2)

		text = "" .. string.format("%.1f", rounded / 10 ^ (digits - 1)) .. chosenAbbreviation
		text = "" .. number
	return text

return AbbreviateNumber

I would appreciate any help.

I dont really inow how to script things but I can recommend something

Sorry if it didnt help

Hey there! I have a YouTube video covering this exact question:

I watched that vid, but if your value is 0 its abreviating to 0.00. Idk it looks ugly to me.

Add an edge-case check for when the value is 0?

if value == 0 then...

Do something similar to what @Forummer said. Instead have an if statement

if stats.Value <= 999 then
    format(stat.Value, 0)
    format(stat.Value, 2)

Do i need to use string values to abbreviate leaderstats or can i do it in an another way?

It has to be string values, there is no way to display it otherwise!

Hm alright, but if i do it with strings, how can i change my number values to string values?