Leaderstats door script add on help

FIrst time I clicked with 0 coins it printed this

Then I gave myself 2000 coins from the Player<Unknown<leaderstats folder<Coins number value<2000
No output showing 2000

local click = script.Parent.ClickDetector
local doorOpened = false
local door = script.Parent

	if doorOpened then return end
	local coins = plr:WaitForChild("leaderstats"):WaitForChild("Coins")
	if coins.Value >= 2000 then
		coins.Value -= 2000
		doorOpened = true
		door.Transparency = 1
		door.CanCollide = false
		door.Transparency = 0
		door.CanCollide = true
		doorOpened = false

Moved the doorOpened = true line to after the coin deduction is made.

Nope did not work again idk why its not working


I tested everything myself, and it’s working for me.


Here is how everything is organised.

ohh could it be the problem with Unkown DN+

Possibly, I’d get rid of any currently broken scripts/plugins which you have in the game. I tried the script on a blank baseplate with a generic leaderstats script and it worked fine.


In the above I don’t have 2,000 coins and as such the purchase is not made.