Leaderstats Script Not Working. Please Help!

ok, it said it, now, let me try it out… again

Did it say anything like “Success” or something? before it finished? I’m just wondering if there was any data to delete.

oh wait, no it didnt say it worked, it said

18:13:07.385 - local saves = {“Orbs”, “Coins”}

18:13:07.386 -

18:13:07.386 - local dss = game:GetService(“DataStoreService”:18: Expected ‘)’ (to close ‘(’ at line 17), got ‘end’

:man_facepalming:facepalm my bad, I edited the code above, try now.

but its working now lol. but ok

holy crap

Success to delete Qu4ki from Orbs

Success to delete niceBS from Orbs

Success to delete 1160445221 from Orbs

Success to delete 8deadlyvenom from Orbs

Success to delete Jariksem from Orbs

Success to delete mjv2011 from Orbs

Success to delete tkuski08 from Orbs

Success to delete 464760360 from Orbs

Success to delete elprohistorico1 from Orbs

Success to delete Tomek008d from Orbs

Looped to next page

Success to delete LegoStarYT from Orbs

Success to delete FrontHD from Orbs

Success to delete ThiaGreLK015094 from Orbs

Success to delete RealWilliamIsCool from Orbs

Success to delete jaxcyn2207 from Orbs

Success to delete viktoriadifit from Orbs

Success to delete 1571700101 from Orbs

Success to delete jokermoxpoo0425 from Orbs

Success to delete OffBonso from Orbs

Success to delete huxzur from Orbs

Looped to next page

Success to delete fireKillerDemon from Orbs

Success to delete flaycupk from Orbs

Success to delete secemikrasaz from Orbs

Success to delete imaLuve from Orbs

Success to delete ziretty from Orbs

Success to delete ehd2341 from Orbs

Success to delete luke060415 from Orbs

Success to delete BorysRatajczak from Orbs

Success to delete ottomanempair from Orbs

Success to delete estefania6766 from Orbs

Looped to next page

Success to delete Wisperstar from Orbs

Success to delete drewdrew2152 from Orbs

Success to delete mak102553 from Orbs

Success to delete oylgkfkxzkdklsk from Orbs

Success to delete teetorials from Orbs

Success to delete evhgyhsdd from Orbs

Success to delete PedroVeloso1303 from Orbs

Success to delete 555sulka from Orbs

Success to delete Valera1000V from Orbs

Success to delete ahmadx1048 from Orbs

Looped to next page

Success to delete K_ENV from Orbs

Success to delete cbcbxvgggtdt from Orbs

Success to delete stawer123486 from Orbs

Success to delete LittleEvann from Orbs

Success to delete xKylerMx from Orbs

Success to delete Babybobthebos from Orbs

Success to delete arturopun from Orbs

Success to delete Police0463 from Orbs

Success to delete Maksim2013Dronzikov from Orbs

Success to delete gogustus5 from Orbs

Looped to next page

Success to delete KrolMacius_Pierwszy from Orbs

Success to delete tedy648 from Orbs

Success to delete hafizzainal from Orbs

Success to delete mig21020 from Orbs

Success to delete hokers1216 from Orbs

Success to delete soja_2806 from Orbs

Success to delete crazykid202011 from Orbs

Success to delete Bounkhum from Orbs

18:18:38.687 - No pages to advance to

18:18:38.688 - Stack Begin

18:18:38.689 - Script 'local saves = {“Orbs”, “Coins”}

18:18:38.689 -

18:18:38.690 - local dss = game:GetService(“DataStoreService”)

18:18:38.690 -

18:18:38.691 - for i, save in ipairs(saves) do

18:18:38.691 - local ods = dss:GetOrderedDataStore(save)

18:18:38.691 -

18:18:38.692 - local pages = ods:GetSortedAsync(false, 10)

18:18:38.692 - local currentPage = pages:GetCurrentPage()

18:18:38.693 -

18:18:38.693 - whil’, Line 21

18:18:38.693 - Stack End


That is a lot of people :open_mouth: It seems that it hit an error, so not all data was cleared… Try now, edited it again.

hmm, but this is weird…

why does it show him?

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Try clearing again…

k i cleared then it said

Finished clearing OrderedDataStores with saves list

at the bottem! think were all good lemme test

Yes! Good to see no errors now. It should be fixed now.

who the heck is that? is it like me?

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Wha the hell? Thats not supposed to happen.

Turns out that the leaderboard is trying to get your userid as a name… I’ll resend the model once more…

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Wait is it working now? all of a sudden?

yes, that screenshot was the other leaderboard… lol sorry if i confused you, i was just very curious

Oh okay! If that was the solution, and the solution to the main issue; “orbs are getting the coins value” then mark it as a solution.

ok, but i have 1 final question, is it fine if i keep the other leaderboards i have? or will it possibly be an issue?..

I mentioned this above, the old leaderboards might have caused the problem, and the new leaderboards doesn’t fix the issue for the old leaderboards, the new ones are just a replacement.

ok, i wont be lazy, ill just customize yours XD… but really…


your an absolute genius :slight_smile:

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