LibreGrid - A lightweight, intuitive and open-source grid solution for Roblox



Open-source grid solution for Roblox

LibreGrid is an open-source grid placement solution for Roblox. It deals with all the math headaches for you and it is very intuitive and lightweight.

Get on GitHub / Marketplace

Why LibreGrid?

I have been developing my world-building game Wubby for some time now, and the worst problem I stumbled upon was getting the proper grid calculations when the player had to place down blocks. With this open-source module, I want everyone to have a perfectly calculated, lightweight, and intuitive experience to avoid more people from descending into the rabbit hole I went through.

Every other grid module I found is either very limiting, too complex to use, or just not what I’m looking for. I swear, I would’ve loved that a module like this existed while I was first developing Wubby.

LibreGrid emulates surface-based placement (like the one that Roblox Studio offers), getting rid of all the math-related headaches that would take coding it yourself, with support for both BaseParts and Models. Moreover, it allows for more customizations that developers can change in real-time to their liking. This means that, using LibreGrid, you can achieve a block-placing system (like Minecraft’s), a furniture placement system (2D placement), or a Roblox Studio-like experience.

This module is the result from months, if not years, of trial and error while developing Wubby.

Watch it in action

How do I install this?

You can either get it on GitHub or on the Roblox Marketplace.

How do I use this?

Check out the documentation on GitHub to see what every function does. You can check out a few examples here if you want to see what it’s capable of.


pushed V.1.0.4 ! a small patch that fixes some readability issues ! :3

This is going to be extremely helpful in developing my current project, Thanks for your contribution!

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I’m the creator of Rebuild, a Blockate remake, and I have been going INSANE trying to make a proper grid.
I hope this can help!! Thank you!!!