Light-Speed UI Edits | GUI Copilot


GUI Copilot

RobloxCreatorStore | LinkIcon · LinkIcon · LinkIcon · LinkIcon

With GUI Copilot, you get access to the most popular tools for making quick edits to your Guis.

Unit conversions make it easy to switch between Scale and Offset measurements on multiple different properties across a variety of UI elements. Unit Conversions are compatible with XX, YY, and XY Size Constraints, UIPadding, and ScrollingFrames.

Quick actions make it easier to create and setup AspectRatios, convert borders to UIStrokes, and more.

And you can set AnchorPoints and choose how they affect an elements position.

This is a full list of every action in the menu and what it does.

Unit Conversion

Icon Name Description


Object: Size Switch between Offset and Scale on the "Size" property of GUI elements


Object: Position Switch between Offset and Scale on the "Position" property of GUI elements


Object: Size + Position Switch between Offset and Scale on the "Size" and "Position" property of GUI elements


Corner: CornerRadius Switch between Offset and Scale on the "CornerRadius" property of the UICorner GUI element modifier


UIPadding: All Switch between Offset and Scale on the "PaddingBottom", "PaddingLeft", "PaddingRight", and "PaddingTop" properties of the UIPadding GUI element modifier


UIListLayout: Padding Switch between Offset and Scale on the "Padding" property of the UIListLayout GUI element modifier


UIGridLayout: CellPadding Switch between Offset and Scale on the "CellPadding" property of the UIGridLayout GUI element modifier


UIGridLayout: CellSize Switch between Offset and Scale on the "CellSize" property of the UIGridLayout GUI element modifier


UITableLayout: Padding Switch between Offset and Scale on the "Padding" property of the UITableLayout GUI element modifier

Quick Actions

Icon Name Description


Scale Text With Element 1. Makes the text of a GUI element increase and decrease proportionately with the size of the GUI element's bounds

2. Sets the "TextScaled" property of an applicable GUI element to true and adds a UIPadding modifier to the selected object(s)


Generate AspectRatio 1. Applies the specified aspect ratio to the selected GUI element(s)

2. Adds a UIAspectRatioConstraint to the selected GUI element(s) and sets the AspectRatio property to the specified aspect ratio


Generate UIStroke From Integrated Border 1. Converts the border properties of a GUI element to a UIStroke modifier

2. Adds a UIStroke modifier to a GUI element configured to be similar to the border present on the selected GUI element(s)


Fit Element To Parent 1. Makes the selected GUI element(s) cover its entire parent

2. Sets the "Position" property to 0, 0, 0, 0, the "AnchorPoint" property to 0, 0, and the "Size" property to 1, 0, 1, 0 of the selected GUI element(s)


UI Copilot provides the following AnchorPoint presets that can be applied to any GUI element: 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 1, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0.5, 1, 1.

You can also configure how these presets are applied to better fit how you workflow.

Below is a preview of when either are not enabled:

Icon Name Description


Keep Element In Same Visual Position When an AnchorPoint is changed, this setting determines whether the AnchorPoint should appear to have changed its position or not.

This setting disables the "Apply To Position And AnchorPoint" setting.

Preview of setting while enabled:


Apply To Position And AnchorPoint When an AnchorPoint is changed, this setting determines whether the "Position" property is changed with the AnchorPoint. When this setting is enabled the GUI element(s) will appear to align on the borders or center of the element's parent.

This setting disables the "Keep Element In Same Visual Position" setting.

Preview of setting while enabled:

The menu-style interaction with GUI Copilot means you can access it anywhere with Roblox Studio shortcuts. Here’s how:

  1. Navigate to the file menu by clicking the "File" button at the top left corner of the Studio window. Once in the file menu, click the "Advanced" option in the list of options.

  2. In the sub-menu that appears after clicking the "Advanced" option, click "Customize Shortcuts...". This will open another window.

  3. Using the search box at the top of this window, type ```GUI Copilot```. Once you have found GUI Copilot, click the empty box and press the keyboard/mouse combination you want to use to summon the menu. If you want to remove a shortcut, double-click it, right-click and click "Clear Shortcut".

API Permissions:


RobloxCreatorStore | LinkIcon · LinkIcon · LinkIcon · LinkIcon

Version 1.4.1

Thank you.


It’s good but it lacks a lot of features. For example: It does not have ui shadows, it does not have advanced UI Corners i.e you can’t corner each individual corner of an element. (Yes that is possible and I have a resource on it). And other things.


Cant you just clone the frame make it black then move it something like 0,5,0,5 to make a shadow?

Then can’t I just manually do the things that all of the plugins on roblox do? Why do I need plugins then if I can just do those things manually.

Waiting for your response now.

A plugin like offset=> scale or scale=> offset
I have no idea how they work

You can do that your self as well btw. They work by getting the selected elements Absolute(Position/Size) (depends on what you are converting) and the parents Absolute(Position/Size). Now, if you want to convert offset to scale (considering an example for position only), you do:

local ElementAPosition = ElementA.AbsolutePosition
local ElementAParentPosition = ElementA.AbsolutePosition
local ElementAParentSize = ElementA.AbsoluteSize

local toScale = (ElementAPosition - ElementAParentPosition) / ElementAParentSize
ElementA.Position =, 0 , toScale.Y, 0)

Conversion from offset goes like:

local ElementAPosition = ElementA.AbsolutePosition
local ElementAParentPosition = ElementA.AbsolutePosition

local toOffset = ElementAPosition - ElementAParentPosition

ElementA.Position =, toOffset.X, 0, toOffset.Y)

Aside from those two features that you mentioned, what are you looking for?

I am looking for more features. This is an amazing plugin but it being paid and giving seemingly 0 actual features makes me think it’s not a good plugin to buy. What could make it worth it is by adding more and more stuff to it that are actually hard to do manually. Like you can add image outline or image blurring using the new editable images, with this you can also add average image color finder, or add advanced UI corners. And the list goes on.


I know this is trivial, but if you still plan on maintaining this, can you make the UI stay in the same spot upon it’s anchorpoint being changed? Having it jump 3/4 into the top left corner (it’s way worse if you choose the bottom options, bottom right is literally unselectable) is really annoying. Didn’t see there was an option for this, I don’t know why it isn’t on by default, it should really be an opt out option.

Aswell as this, can you add the option to set anchorpoint by default?

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In a future update, I’ll rework these toggles to make them clearer—the titling sounds a little confusing the more I look at it. I’m also planning to give the person downloading GUI Copilot for the first time the option to configure this immediately.

This is tough since it’s really difficult to determine whether a new object added to the game is actually new or a clone of an existing one. I’ve decided to avoid any auto-property-setting option because of this.

Thanks for the feedback!

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