Lighting bug with flashing lights

“its a feature not a bug”


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You could add a lore on top of that like the guys who created the weapons made a mistake and now everytime you use it… and then you create the consequenses and BAM! A lore.

(just trying to give you alternatives, most of developers nowadays do that)


The sun is acting up fr it has nothing to do with the lighting

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chatgpt help!!!


i dont use chatGPT should we focus on this topic now

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The second you stop using chatgpt your grammar turns to that???

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that is crazzzzzy cause that script was on about something completely different and it makes sense now

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Let’s not fight. It is just stuff and code and yk…tbh idk what im saying now

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Roblox light brightness is dependent on allot of different things but the main properties you should be focusing on are the brightness and range properties

having a high range value with a lower brightness value will still have the lights bright, you should add the light into a part and mess around with its values until you get something you like.

also, you should keep in mind that lights will add on to each others brightness, so the more lights you have in one area the brighter it will be there.

Brightness of 0.5

Brightness of 20


Wait I know, she isn’t using chatgpt, shes using bing ai!!!

Idk where to find that AI thingy I forgot

Thanks! I only have one light in the model, but I think I’m going to set the solution to this as setting the brightness down (to 0.3 or so) definitely made the bug almost invisible and it was your post that made that cross my mind haha.

Thanks for all of the replies though guys!

if u wanna fight about it maybe in private