Likes are misleading and bring harm

I’m not implying the direct message of the topics, I’m focusing on the fact that both of them have accused Likes as a variation of bullying, and in this case as a hinderance to a productive forum. Again, Likes are used for showing agreement, appreciation, or admiration for a comment, in no situation is it implied that Likes are intentionally given to one post in order to harm another. They’re not harmful to the system because they are the system; and they can’t be misleading because any given post has enough context as to why it’s liked. Just as you said, it’s a simple way to back up someone’s response without writing another reply - would you rather see everyone who Likes a post write a comment saying the same thing since they would have no other way to show it?

It’s most important to remember that the devforum isn’t just for formal discussion about game development, people throw jokes around inside and outside the Lounge category - most for the sake of attention. We have a Cool Creations category just so developers can be commended by other developers. Of course people are going to Like things they, well, like. If someone posts a lame joke or a hundred showcases but they earn a lot of Likes, I’d say they earned it. I can agree that people do get attention for immature posts and for showing off things they didn’t even make, frankly I always joke that some developers forget the difference between the devforum and Twitter, but arguing against Likes doesn’t solve that problem.

Most importantly, Likes don’t mean anything anymore to people who already receive so many, but not exactly for people who don’t get as much. I don’t know how many Likes you usually get (though seeing as this post has already earned you ten), but unpopular people like me appreciate the Likes we get because we often feel under-appreciated or ignored so they indeed do more good than harm in any circumstance.

The interpretation that community upvotes are hurtful or anti-productive is pure subjectivity. Likes are supposed to be a good, happy thing, and I hope we keep it this way.