Limè | Interview Guide

Shout system:

Do a shout at the ROBLOX group status, and discord announcements.

They go like this (please copy and edit it)

[INTERVIEWS] Host: … | Co-host: ., | Head down to the Interview Centre to get a possible job at Limè! Limè Interviews Link:


Important Information:

When you joined the game after doing announcements, choose what staff member to interview, spectate, etc. (DO THIS IN PMS!)

While using (m) please use SLIENT commando, not such as: the chat filter.

Also, when joined game. Immediately, start a countdown, of 200.

All sessions should have a host, and co host. If the co-host can’t make it, cancel interviews, or find a new co-host.

Who’s able to host, Interview, spec, co-host?

LR: Spec.

MR: Spec, Interview, co-host.

HR: Spec, Interview, co-host, Host.

Co-host: m [PTS]-Permission to Speak is now in effect. Please say (PTS)-permission to speak, if you have any questions or concerns, and our staff members would be happy to assist you!

Host: m Before we start, I’d like to thank all staff members for making their way to interviews. They came out of their busy work, just for you. This is really appreciated.

Host: m Salutations! My name is, [NAME\USER], and I’ll be hosting this Interview session along with my lovely co-host: [NAME\USER]! I wish you all the best of luck! <3

Co-host: m Greetings! My name is [NAME\USER], and I’ll be co-hosting this session along with my lovely host, [NAME\USER]! I wish you all the best of luck! <3

Host: m I would now like to go over some important rules as they are here for your success with Limè. Please pay close attention.

Host: m 1.) Always respect each staff members no matter what their rank is.

Host: m 2.) Please use Grammar and Details while you’re on Interview. Failing on not using grammar, or details can lead you into a automatic removal from the server.

Host: m 3.) Do not go AFK! If so, you would have 1 minute. If not, Telling the staff member that your going afk, can get you kicked.

Host: m 4.) Please Do not start any types of drama if you fail, try again, improve for next time! :slight_smile:

Host: m 5.) Lastly, you are always permitted to be professional in our group, catching you being unprofessional can lead you to great consequences.

Co-host: Amazing! Now, let’s start with the actual interviews! Sit down, and wait for an interviewer to come to you, good luck everyone! <3


Tell them this before Interview:

You have 1 minute to answer each questions that would be asked.

In this session, there are 5 questions, please use details and grammar.

If you have 3, or over grammatical errors, unfortunately you’ve failed.

  1. Salutations! My name is [NAME\USER] and I’ll be your interviewer for today! Please stand up, and follow me into an office so we may begin.
  2. Hello! Welcome to Limè interviews. Do you have any questions, or concerns before we begin? If so, now is the best time to ask!
  3. 1.) Why do you want to work here?
  4. 2.) Whats you’re greatest strength?
  5. 3.) What’s you’re goals with Limè?
  6. 4.) Explain yourself in 3 words.
  7. 5.) Lastly, What timezone are you in?

Please check chatlogs, and if they has 3, or over grammatical errors, they has failed.

If passed:

Congratulations! You’ve passed this interview session due to high grammar, great pronunciation, and amazing details! Please wait here, so you can get ranked.

If failed:

Unfortunately, you’ve failed this interview session. Your mistake was, low grammar, low details, or 3+ grammatical errors. Please come back and give it a new try later! <3

Limè Official Interview Guide


All rights reserved, LIMÈ.

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