Limè | Training Guide

Shout System:

[TRAININGS] Host: [-]. | Co-host: [-]. | Join the Training Centre to fully complete your job at Limè! Slocking in 10 minutes.

Limè Training Guide

Rank System:

When it’s 5 minutes remaining before Training starts, the host or co-host must rank the people who are going to Train, and be trained. In Lime, we have A B and C.


change Lia123 r Trainer A

change Alex123 r A

The trainer will have to train the people who is on their group.

Rules before you begin:

Slock the server after 10 minutes of doing the shout. When slock, immediately do the rules.

Let’s begin with the handbook, please copy this all into a notebook.

Co-host: [PTS]-Permission to Speak is not enabled and in effect. Please say [PTS] (Permission to Speak) if you have any questions or concerns. Our staff members would assist you as fastest as possible!

Host: Salutations! Welcome to Limè Training Centre! My name is [NAME OR USERNAME] and I am your host for today’s session! I wish you all the best of luck! <3

Co-host: Greetings! You’ve made it to Limè Trainings! My name is [NAME OR USERNAME] and I am your co-host for today’s session! I wish you all the best of luck. <3

Co-host: Our lovely host will now go over the rules. Please pay close attention as these can be virtual for your success here at Limè.

Host: 1.)-Respect all staff members at Limè, no matter what their rank is High or Low.

Host: 2.)-You must use grammar in all simulations. Failing this important rule can get you demoted without any questions.

Host: 3.) You are not allowed to give people orders without them asking for it. You will get a strike for everytime you hint.

Host: 5.) Please do not ask for a promotion. You get your promotion when you have reached 250 points witch will lead you to a rank over.

Co-host: Thank you for your attention. We hope you have been listening to those rules!

Co-host: Please spam “LIME” so we can ensure you have the perfect typing speed. This is virtual for your professionalism here at Limè.

Host: Thank you for your cooperation! You may now stop spamming “LIME”.

Host: Trainings may now in-commence. Please keep in mind these rules! Good luck, and do your best! :slight_smile:


Hello! I will be your trainer for today! Do you have any questions or concerns before we begin? If so, now is the best time to ask.

Alright, we will begin with the first simulation, order!

In this simulation, I would be telling you the orders I want. You will get a point for each correct orders!

On PC users, click “H” to give. Type 3-4 letters of my username.

IOS\ Others, you will see a Hand-To GUI above your screen.

We shall now begin!

Order 1.) Chocolate milkshake, and milk.

Order 2.) Bubblegum milkshake, and a chocolate donut.

Order 3.) Mint milkshake, with a donut of your choise and a bubblegum muffin\cupcake.

Lovely! We will now begin with the next simulation.

In this simulation, I will be trolling and you will have to stop me. Remember!

Here at Lime, we don’t give warnings we ask them respectfully to stop then we kick.

To do this, just do “Calls HR\MR”

Lovely work! We will now begin with the last simulation. Exploiting.

Don’t even ask a question, when they exploit take a screenshot or record and send it on our communications server.

To do this, just do: “Takes Screenshot” or “Records” then do “Send’s to HR\MR” then “Calls HR\MR”.

If they passed: Congratulations! I’d like to say that you have successfully passed this Training Session!

If not passed: My apologies! You have not passed this training session. Please come back later and give it a new try!


As you are now a Junior Barista here at Lime. You must use grammar and proper respect.

Don’t ask for a promotion, or do not hint.

Hey, you are now ready to start your journey here at Lime! See you at the cafe! <3

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