Limitations of exploits?

But module scripts don’t have a .Disabled property so if the game runs on 1 local script and many module scripts, wouldn’t the game break if they were to somehow disable a module script that is ran in a loop?

They can access the Explorer and delete any important script if your game runs in a non fe environment whatever script they deleted will be deleted on everyones else client. So best option to make your game fe compatible.

Well that and make sure that any processes running in the local sided modulescripts arent going to be exploitable.

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Is this referring to experimental-enabled games or any game?

Well, exploiters cannot run server code even with experimental mode on, however they can do all the other parts and as well as that, any changes they make on their client will affect the whole server too.

Doesn’t matter. There might not be an official Roblox supported way to disable ModuleScripts, but exploiters can do whatever they want on their own computer. That means writing their own, not Lua code, to allow the disabling of ModuleScripts.

I have to add something your your forth point.

The scripts are usually called “RemoteSpy” and they work on all exploits that allow to read and set new metatables to locked metatables (In this case the DataModel/game metatable).
Most exploits that are being sold can do that.

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They only work on exploits which support reading (and writing metatables to) the game’s real environment, which is a fair few of the higher tier exploits however there are certainly cheaper ones out there which don’t have this functionality.

It’s always best practice to assume the exploiter can do all of the things listed.

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