[Limited Availability] - Transfer your Experience to your Group

Interesting to see to come out. But why is it a Game Pass?


This was a much-needed feature, and I am so glad it’s here!

Are there plans for being able to revert the change in the future and doing user-user etc?


Average roblox W feature
I no longer have an use case for this but it’s great to see it’s finally going to be a thing!


Pretty cool that this is even an option, but in what world is this actually worth it?
60k Robux, and you need to reupload the animations anyway? I expected better, but this is a step in the right direction for sure.


For games like brookhaven which are probably generating more than 60k in a day, it’s worth it.


As stated in the original post, it is so that they are able to recuperate the manual cost of this service whilst it is manual. If you’re asking why a Game Pass and why not simply take it out of your account, that’s likely because it is: easier to track the sales and it is easier to validate that you actually intended to start this process. If not, someone could easily claim that ROBLOX just “stole” their ROBUX and that they never intended to start this process in the first place.


If you need to hire a developer and you wish to pay it through revenue generated by a game under your name, then sending the ROBUX to that developer would be taxed. Whereas, if the game is under your group, you are able to use the “payout” feature to easily pay your developers, thus saving you ROBUX overall as you do not have to overcompensate for ROBUX lost to tax.

Additionally, groups have the feature whereby you are able to give a % of revenue from the group to an individual; or to multiple individuals. This is also a good tool which is only able to be utilised once the game is under the group. Therefore, overall it is much more favourable for you to have a game under your group. IF your game is already generating significant revenue, then eventually it becomes more worthwhile to pay that one-time 60,000 ROBUX fee rather than continually paying the 30% cut every time you wish to pay for services.


I am extremely happy about this! I am interested in transferring my game from my personal account over to an official group because I made my game when I was new to Roblox several years ago.

I have probably over 500+ animation assets uploaded to my account. Does the animation transfer script require me to paste in every asset I want to transfer? Also, is it guaranteed that players will keep their gamepasses and datastore data with no worry of accidental save data erasure?


Is it mandatory that the game and group be owned by the same user, even if both owners agree to the change?


For now, yes - although you are of course free to transfer ownership of the Group after the process is complete.


A. While this is a very good change, I’m kind of skeptical of the game pass, why can’t experience staff deduct robux from your account, as they should have access to that kind of system…

B. Why was this unlisted and then re-listed?

Other than that, no concerns at all.


In response to A, I would assume using that sort of power for non moderation cases would cause more harm than good in the long run tbh.

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I assume this is the case, but just want to ask for clarification. Will game ids and place ids remain the same after the transfer?


Yep - they will stay the same after the transfer is complete

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Asking again, can we be sure that datastores will not be impacted?

This is great news! Will keep watching out for the price to lower

@Ripull have you seen this yet?

Datastores will not be impacted, no.


Hey all - as previously discussed in the original post, we have just reduced the price for transferring down to 30,000 Robux, as we have gone through the initial backlog.

Please let us know if you have any questions! In the meantime, we continue working towards making this free and self-serve for everyone :slight_smile: