Line connecting 2 gui resizing problem

I wanted it to do that but is there a way to make the end point a gui and not the mouse?, if none ill try to find a way to do it

Ohhhh I must have skipped over when you asked that, I’m looking back now and you said that in the 13th post :man_facepalming:, my bad.

Yeah, you can do that. Just change mousePos to be the end frame’s AbsolutePosition instead of the mouse.X and mouse.Y.

im a bit confused on this, do i need to do, UDim2.fromScale, or UDim2.fromOffset?

You’d use, the first number can stay 0, second is the magnitude of the one vector subtracted from the other, scale y would be the Y scale from your start or end frames assuming you want the size to remain the same, and the fourth number can stay as 0.

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it becomes as thin as you cant see it anymore
is this correct?
script.Parent.Size =,(mousePos - wireStart).Magnitude,script.Parent.Parent.RedWireStart.Size.Y,0)

nvm, I just input the number by myself and not use a lot of letters to go to the start and get the Y size

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local mousePos = script.Parent.Parent.RedConnector.AbsolutePosition
is this what you mean’t?, after 25 post in my topic I still dont want to learn math in roblxo studio lol

Yeah, that is what I meant. (chars)

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I does this, also when I used visible its of the draggable part and I dont realyl want that to happen since I want my game to be perfect and not fix it after uploading it

Can you upload a repro file? It’s a bit hard to tell what’s going on.

oh yeah, ive should have done that before, heres the link for the model I did, let me know if theres something wrong, heres the module for the draggable and gui collision if it show any error, placed inside replicated storage

also the position of it will change and will be this
however, using Position instead of AbsolutePosition helps the position, but at the same time it stretches to top left corner of the screen

I managed to make it update the size but the position became a problem once again

(dont mind if the line is thic I just forgot to change it)

(@nexos_x7 helped me with this)

local EndLine = script.Parent.Parent.RedConnector
local Line = script.Parent
local LineStart = script.Parent.Parent.RedWireStart

while wait() do
	local v = EndLine.AbsolutePosition - LineStart.AbsolutePosition - (LineStart.AbsoluteSize / 2)
	local Pos = EndLine.AbsolutePosition + (EndLine.AbsoluteSize / 2)

	local angle = math.deg(math.atan2(v.Y,v.X))
	Line.Rotation = angle
	Line.Size =,v.Magnitude,0.058,0)
	Line.Position =, ((((LineStart.AbsolutePosition.X - (LineStart.AbsoluteSize.X / 2)) - Pos.X) * -1) / 2) - (Line.AbsoluteSize.X / 2), 0, ((((LineStart.AbsolutePosition.Y - (LineStart.AbsoluteSize.Y / 2)) - Pos.Y) * -1) / 2) - (Line.AbsoluteSize.Y / 2))


Are you attempting to do this?

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yes exacly like that, did you use the visible for it?, ive been thinking that might work but it might be a lil off

What I did was add a BoolValue called Drag inside your RedConnector frame, then I made the BoolValue change to true or false depending on whether you are dragging it. The updated the code to this :

local DraggableObject = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.DraggableUI)
local GuiCollisionService = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GuiCollisionService)

local FrameDrag =
local group = GuiCollisionService.createCollisionGroup()


FrameDrag.DragStarted = function()
	script.Parent.Drag.Value = true

FrameDrag.DragEnded = function()
	if GuiCollisionService.isColliding(script.Parent, script.Parent.Parent.RedWireEnd) then
		script.Parent.Position = script.Parent.Parent.RedWireEnd.Position
	elseif not GuiCollisionService.isColliding(script.Parent, script.Parent.Parent.RedWireEnd) then
		script.Parent.Position =, 0,0.5, 0)
	script.Parent.Drag.Value = false

Then in the other script which handles the size and position, I listened for changing of this BoolValue and created a while loop inside that function which updates the size and position.
I updated the code to this :

local mouse =game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
local wire = script.Parent.Parent.RedWireStart
local connector = script.Parent.Parent.RedConnector
local wireStart = wire.AbsolutePosition +, wire.AbsoluteSize.Y / 2)
local Drag = script.Parent.Parent.RedConnector.Drag

	if not Drag.Value then return end
	while Drag.Value do
		local mousePos =,mouse.Y)
		local v = mousePos-wireStart
		local angle = math.deg(math.atan2(v.Y,v.X))

		script.Parent.Rotation = angle

		script.Parent.Size =,(mousePos - wireStart).Magnitude,0.058,0)

		local centrePoint = (wireStart + mousePos) / 2 -- this will be the "average" position which also happens to be the centre of the two points

		--script.Parent.Parent.RedConnector.Rotation = script.Parent.Rotation

		script.Parent.Position = UDim2.fromOffset(centrePoint.X - script.Parent.Parent.AbsolutePosition.X, centrePoint.Y - script.Parent.Parent.AbsolutePosition.Y)
	local EndPosition = connector.AbsolutePosition +, connector.AbsoluteSize.Y / 2)
	local centrePoint = (wireStart + EndPosition) / 2
	script.Parent.Size =,(EndPosition - wireStart).Magnitude,0.058,0)
	script.Parent.Position = UDim2.fromOffset(centrePoint.X - script.Parent.Parent.AbsolutePosition.X, centrePoint.Y - script.Parent.Parent.AbsolutePosition.Y)
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the rotation doesn’t math but it works, I may have to fix it a little but thank you for helping me

For that you could try doing connector.Rotation = angle however it wouldn’t be perfectly aligned

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ive used

if Drag.Value == false then
	script.Parent.Rotation = 0

and it work fine
I also might change the size of the connector to be thicker to hide some unnecessary things that shows