List of building tools

Sidenote: I haven’t made a game yet but this will be useful for future reference.

What are some tools and that you would recommend for building? There are quite some aspects to building and I would appreciate some suggested tools from you guys for each aspect(like colour).
If there have been any tools you have been using to build, please leave a reply.
Thank you.

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I mean, I use Roblox’s tools. They seem to be easiest for me to use. If you are talking about plugins, I often install a wide variety. It completely depends on what you are building, but usually I use ThreeDText 2 , Color Adjust (25 Robux, definitely worth the spend), Archimedes Two (v2.4), and a Part Counter so I can minimize lag. There are plenty of other plugins out there, and these are just my favorite.


Hiya! If you’re talking about plugins, here is a quick list of a few things I use:
Arc 2
Part To Terrain
Stravant - GapFill & Extrude Fixed
Building Tools by F3X (Plugin)
Light Editor
Sun Position Plugin

Hope some of these can help you!


You should check this topic and look up some others before posting another one. They all have good suggestions just make sure they’re not plugins with infections in them. You can do that by making sure it’s the official one. Hope this helped, John.


I would recommend searching before posting because there has been a bunch of topics about this if you’re looking for some good plugins to help you with building I would recommend checking out this as they have a lot of plugins that people have suggested. This topic has been covered before.

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