ListenerType.ObjectPosition Bug

When using SoundService.SetListener with ListenerType.ObjectPosition

It causes weird Sound Playback issues when moving the Camera in between the middle of a Sound Source

ListenerType Bug.rbxl (23.9 KB)


Hello. Thank you for the report We’ve looked into it, however haven’t been able to reproduce any issue.

Please note that ObjectPosition is intended to spatialize sounds as though you were listening from the position of the object, but using the orientation of your camera. For example, if you’re using your avatar’s head as the object, sounds will be attenuated as they get further away from your avatar’s head, but will be panned between L/R speaker depending on which direction your camera is facing. If you are listening to a sound from an ObjectPosition that is very far away from your camera, your camera movements might have a larger affect on the panning than it looks like they should. While an audio source’s position might not look like it’s moving very much within your viewport, its rotation with respect to the listener might be moving a lot.

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I see thank you for clarifying.

Due to the lack of documentation I thought it was a bug, several people can agree with that.

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