Well I mean I understand a little, but now is just about what should I do and how to make it to text label and if hour min sec = 0 it Destroy and Clone new one again… Using ur script
I have something that may work: for event 1 do
local t = textLable1 -- replace textLable1 with wherever your 1st label is located in the explorer
local p = t.Parent
t.Parent = nil
t.Parent = p
for event 2 do
local t = textLable2 -- replace textLable2 with wherever your 2nd label is located in the explorer
local p = t.Parent
t.Parent = nil
t.Parent = p
for event 3 do
local t = textLable3 -- replace textLable3 with wherever your 3rd label is located in the explorer
local p = t.Parent
t.Parent = nil
t.Parent = p
Why t.Parent = nil first? Hey if you have to go, you can answer tomorrow, I will wait, I can wait.
Setting the parent to nil and then back to it’s original parent allows it to go to the bottom of a gridGui, which is what you said you had. It would also be useful if you could send me a screenshot of where the guis are in the explorer.
Woahhh, sooo it’s like :Destroy and Clone but more simple?
also for t = [Path to text label].Text or just path to text label
Just the path to the text label
But it doesn’t change the text
I want to make it has countdown like how many hours, minutes and seconds again etc on the text label
And also how to make it so in a day not only that time, so Event A happen not only 10 am, but also repeating every 3 hours. But with real time.
well you can copy and paste the events, and you can change the times on them too. I will also try to make a script that changes the text of the guis to how long until the event happens.
Well sorry for your script, there’s hours minutes and seconds right?
Let’s say event A u have
hour = 10
min = 0
sec = 0,
does it mean every 10 hours , or does it mean it will happen every 10 UTC
this means at 10 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds in utc it will happen.
local events = {}
events.eventOne = {
hour = 1,--the hour in military time of when the event will happen
min = 0,--the minute of the hour
sec = 0,--the second of the minute
eventFunction = function()
--when it's time for the event, any code in here will run
local t = workspace.ABC.GUIEvent.Event1.Event -- replace textLable1 with wherever your 1st label is located in the explorer
local p = t.Parent
t.Parent = nil
t.Parent = p
events.eventTwo = {
hour = 2,--the hour in military time of when the event will happen
min = 0,--the minute of the hour
sec = 0,
eventFunction = function()
--when it's time for the event, any code in here will run
local t = workspace.ABC.GUIEvent.Event2.Event -- replace textLable1 with wherever your 1st label is located in the explorer
local p = t.Parent
t.Parent = nil
t.Parent = p
events.eventThree = {
hour = 3,--the hour in military time of when the event will happen
min = 0,--the minute of the hour
sec = 0,--the second of the minute
eventFunction = function()
--when it's time for the event, any code in here will run
local t = workspace.ABC.GUIEvent.Event3.Event -- replace textLable1 with wherever your 1st label is located in the explorer
local p = t.Parent
t.Parent = nil
t.Parent = p
events.eventFour = {
hour = 4,--the hour in military time of when the event will happen
min = 0,--the minute of the hour
sec = 0,--the second of the minute
eventFunction = function()
--when it's time for the event, any code in here will run
local t = workspace.ABC.GUIEvent.Event1.Event -- replace textLable1 with wherever your 1st label is located in the explorer
local p = t.Parent
t.Parent = nil
t.Parent = p
events.eventFive = {
hour = 5,--the hour in military time of when the event will happen
min = 0,--the minute of the hour
sec = 0,
eventFunction = function()
--when it's time for the event, any code in here will run
local t = workspace.ABC.GUIEvent.Event2.Event -- replace textLable1 with wherever your 1st label is located in the explorer
local p = t.Parent
t.Parent = nil
t.Parent = p
events.eventSix = {
hour = 6,--the hour in military time of when the event will happen
min = 0,--the minute of the hour
sec = 0,
eventFunction = function()
--when it's time for the event, any code in here will run
local t = workspace.ABC.GUIEvent.Event3.Event -- replace textLable1 with wherever your 1st label is located in the explorer
local p = t.Parent
t.Parent = nil
t.Parent = p
-- any code below this line should not be changed, it works just fine on it's own.
while wait(3) do
for i,v in pairs(events) do
local t = os.date("!*t", os.time())
if v.hour == t.hour and v.min == t.min then
if t.sec < v.sec + 5 and t.sec > v.sec-5 then
So I suppose I can make like this right? Same text label but can happen two times in a day. If it’s a yes, I only need to know how each text labels can countdown the time until that event
I saw many talks about Unixtime, but I supposed u use that for a fix thing like what day what year etc, but this thing I don’t think so because it happens everyday.
Well I think your code works just you know to make the text labels (3 text labels) to countdown