[Live] Script RunContext

Obviously and exactly.

even in serverscriptservice? if so then i have to look for something else…

I don’t think runcontext client works there. Only in stuff like Workspace.

its a shame, but it makes sense. thanks

I think the server can only edit RunContext. It won’t actually send the script to the client if the client changes it.

Actually the client can edit RunContext is just won’t be replicated to the Server. RunContext also has PluginSecurity so no normal script can edit it.

Yes, but there’s no point in the client editing the property. The only thing they could do is stop scripts with client runcontext.

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No, as we don’t replicate the source code of scripts to clients. We also don’t replicate changes from the client to the server so even if the client could the script would only run on their device and not anywhere else in your experience.

RunContext Client is really broken in ReplicatedStorage.
This seems to occur only in mobile or all devices randomly.

in example error picture above, “script” variable changes from roboball to SceneService somehow (or something else is happening like game mistakes location of both scripts)
roboball code:
return script:WaitForChild("ModuleScript")
child of roboball runcontext client code:

also note: RunContext under SceneService is same script ( require(script.Parent) ) as the roboball one


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I didn’t actually know about this until today. Is this really needed?

It would be nice if there was a way to prevent the bytecode in ModuleScripts from being replicated. Bytecode can still allow exploiters to reverse engineer server-side security if replicated, which means many modules still have to be split off into ServerScriptService if they contain any server logic you don’t want exploiters to see.


We should be able to disable replication of server scripts with a Server or Legacy RunContext (the Script instance itself) since it just isn’t needed on the client.

Scripts with these specific RunContext enums already don’t replicate their bytecode to the client. While the instance itself may replicate; the code won’t.


Yeah, so why is the instance replicated? Why can’t we choose what instances are replicated?

Oh my god finally now I can use AncestryChanged to detect the script is deleted with RunContext!

(not really :frowning:)

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This would most probably be part of a separate feature.

RunContext actually makes backdoors more efficient

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I think this one’s a bit buggy.
I was trying to make an ability and when I pressed my UserInput ONCE it ran the script in a weird order, twice.
Meanwhile with a regular local script it did it the way it should do it.
Also found out the printing in a Client runContext script doesn’t work the same way as in regular local script. It prints the same thing over and over, meanwhile the regular one prints it once and then goes like Hello World(x78)

(runContext - Client)

(regular Local Script)

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Are you cloning the script from somewhere? Scripts that use RunContext can run anywhere inside the data model, and this includes the client scripts. So the original script might be running at the same time if it is enabled.

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The regular local script was disabled at the time of running the RunContext script and vise versa.

There is only one script of each kind(local and runContext)

The code inside the scripts is the exact same