[Live] Xbox Cross Platform Play

I love that pc, mobile, and console players are able to play together, but developers may want to seriously consider separating them if the game is highly competitive. A mouse will always be more accurate than a controller, giving pc players a huge advantage in fast paced games.

Just a thought.

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I’m making a game that doesn’t utilize the normal character, and uses a BillboardGui to display the player’s name. Is there a way to get the Xbox username too?

Note: Voice chat is not mandatory, so you can already be the only person in voice chat in the game you are playing. Customarily what players do is verbally ask “Who else is here on voice?” when they join / when a round starts.

(Because of this social norm, it’s unlikely for you to think you are being ignored, as it is not typical to assume everyone can hear you.)

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Is displaying an Xbox player’s Gamertag required for those on an Xbox if say we are replacing the default nametag?

Real scenario:
My game is a shooter and this means platform advantages exist
No shooters are cross platform because that’s unfair towards controller players

How do I ensure xbox players and pc players never end up in the same servers? If there is no toggle, this is the exact kind of oversight that will lead to developers publishing two versions of their game; which is what the OP is telling us not to do.

tl;dr any competitive game that has a mouse advantage is screwed?


There was no mention of separating by platform, but for your use case you can disable the game from appearing on console altogether in place settings:


I’m seeing a lot of problems here

  • Some games, especially competitive and reaction-based games like Phantom Forces, are much more easily played with a mouse and keyboard. This change will drop a ton of effectively handicapped players into PC servers, where they will get totally destroyed. An entire platform being unable to play effectively is a real threat to the survival of a game on that platform.

  • From the PC player perspective, games that also have xbox audiences are suddenly going to become very quiet as half the server now consists of people who can’t communicate. This can have real consequences for communication-dependent games like Roblox High School or Jailbreak where a majority of the gameplay consists of interacting and communicating with other players.

Combined servers should be an option. Lots of non-roblox games purposely elect to split their player base because of the implications of half the players having restricted input. For example, overwatch is entirely capable of combining their PC and Xbox servers like this. But they will never do that because combining players with slow input with players with fast input would destroy the game on both platforms.

This is a very concerning opinion from roblox. This says a lot of things:

  • Roblox is aware of the negative implications of combined servers on certain game types
  • Roblox isn’t doing anything to alleviate the damage
  • Roblox’s officially-recommended solution is to be aware that competitive games aren’t possible because of forced cross-platform.

This isn’t actually going to stop anyone from making a competitive game. What’s actually going to happen is developers will make a PC-only place and a separate Xbox-only place. This is bad for the players, for the developers, and for Roblox. Optional cross-platform is a much better idea than forcing developers to use weird and damaging workarounds in order to maintain the integrity of their gameplay.

It seems to me that the developer would know how the game is best played. Why is this control in the hands of the player instead of the developer?


I would like to have my game work on the xbox in the future, but I don’t want to put PC players together with xbox ones. That’s my only concern. Both because my game is competitive, and because there are copyrighted things that I cannot remove and separating that client-side would be a problem.

edit: I pretty much can’t make my game work on the xbox if I wont be able to separate them from PC players in the future. Which is unfortunate because roblox needs an RTS on the xbox platform.


I believe there should be an option to toggle cross-platform for the sake of keeping it balanced for console players.

That’s actually a good point. I had to make my game compatible with the tablet, but there’s no way a player can compete in an RTS on a tablet vs a PC player. The xbox player might fare better, but it would still be questionable. Not separating it would lower the quality for both PC and xbox players.

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I’m confused. How would you show copyrighted content on PC but not XBox if they had separate servers if not clientside?

With a server full of xbox players I could just remove the copyrighted models from the game and remove them from your ownership(just for that server). It’d be basically as easy as commenting out the copyrighted assets so that they dont exist to the client. With PC players they may be using those models that are shown to everyone. Including shown to xbox players.

This is so exciting!

Interesting, however something is bugging me. Now that cross platform play is a thing, how are PC users meant to communicate with Xbox users? This is particularly important in team based games. Seeings as Xbox users cannot see the chat this means there is no way to talk with a PC user, effectively making cross platform rather redundant.

Maybe if you allowed voice chat for PC users?
What’s the reason for not allowing Xbox users to see & operate the chat?



I agree with all of this. Especially your point about a ‘combined server’ option.

One option, if you’re concerned about your own game, is some form of quick chat.

One great example of this is Rocket League. It’s very cross-platform, but you cannot use text chat or voice chat cross-platform, just like Roblox! The D-Pad is mapped to 4 menus, and in each there are 4 quick chats. That means the player can say 16 quick chats, which they can customize out of a pre-made list.

The same concept will work on Roblox. Sometimes it’s great anyways because quick chats are so much faster and easier to use than typing up a message.


Quick chats don’t add that much to communication. Roblox had a quick chat service for guests 3-4 years ago; it didn’t change anything.

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To add, yes there are ways for the developer to correct this non-communication issue, for example we could simply create a custom chat and map it to a random button on the Xbox controller, however we shouldn’t have to do this.

Roblox chat already filters 99.9% of words you speak anyways so I don’t see the issue with not allowing users to operate the chat. For example, a fast paced flying game known as War Thunder has cross platform play with PlayStation and PC, yet both platform users can operate the same chat all the while they’re flying a plane.

The problem with that was that it was harder to use than the regular chat. The list was too big, and required tedious mouse clicks.

Rocket League is fast-paced, and there’s no time to type except for after goals or after matches. Quick chats are much easier to use in that scenario: you can tell your team a simple strategy, give congratulations, or joke around without having to pause and type. It also helps that the chats are bound to keyboard keys and gamepad buttons, which is a lot faster and easier than having to click on the screen.

I think if you made your quick chats easy to comprehend (not too many), easy to access (no mouse clicks), and relevant then players would use them. If you don’t meet those three then players will probably avoid them.

You can even make them more useful than the regular chat by adding map markers or pointers in the world as a communication tool. This is like how some FPS have a “medic” button, which acts as a quick chat with a map marker to tell the medic you need help.

This doesn’t solve the problem in all games, and it’s not supposed to. It would be nice to see cross-platform chat eventually. Until then – and even after – communication tools like quick chats, map markers, and pointers will be very useful.


Is there still a way to get their Xbox gamer tag?