LiveCharacter [Module] - Live character/avatar updates while in-game! [No more resetting!]

Yeah it seems like a common issue going around right now. Doesn’t look like there’s a fix.

This is a very cool concept that I have never seen before and I really like it.

(Read the bold text if you’re lazy to read the whole post). It’s not really that hard. It’s actually pretty easy for experts like me, even if i haven’t done any of these projects before, I can just take an example out of this module and recreate a version for myself.

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It got accepted! If you end up not saving this module or anything, you can check it on and you should see the original version. Its also a good source for any other plugins / models you wanna find the original version to; Anyways that got off topic lol, but yeah, if you wanna make sure, if in the future this gets copies and stuff, you can just check it there.

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I think he meant body parts, though I don’t think it would work?

@EgoMoose why its not useful lol

(I just want an explanition of why its not useful im not forcing you to like a product that I didnt even made)

This is great! I found a glitch though, the module doesn’t load body colors!

Huh? Did you ping the wrong person? I don’t have any recollection commenting that?

edit: I see now that I voted!

The idea behind this module is good, but the reason I voted “no” is because the constant http requests are a deal breaker for me.


I just realized I was using an old version, my bad! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

This seems perfect :smiley:! Roblox should already have this in all games instead of having your reset! one thing I would add is maybe allowing a notification that your avatar is being changed and if you want you don’t have to apply the change right now.

EgoMoose is meanie :triumph:

Oh yeah @EgoMoose, there’s a function to reload a certain player’s avatar, I think it’s a bit constant too in auto mode, I put a poop for every 15 seconds to update a person’s avatar;

Would be cool if ROBLOX added it as a default feature.

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Aren’t you able to use HumanoidDescriptions? Also, you should be able to load bundle assets via AssetServicec:GetBundleDetialsAsync(), you can load in the body parts in the Items table via InsertService. (Notice that the assets you will load also have R6 and R15 folders)

Otherwise, this is really cool! :smile:
Its pretty similar to how my game’s automated updates work as well, which, is neat.

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I noticed all of this after making this and it was super helpful and it’d have cut down work a lot more but I’m considering rewriting it sometime soon.




also I have been getting some problems where the character does NOT update the JUMP or FALL animation, It’s always one of these two.

It seems to happen when you change animations and it gets detected, for example, if I change to stylish, my jump would stay at the one that was before, and then when I change to another one, then now only the jump is stylish, it’s pretty weird.

Also the character head glitch only happens when you switch from Rthro back to human

Yeah I was thinking the same thing, I mean she is using Humanoid Descriptions because I get sometimes warnings like “Default Pants loaded” but hm yeah.

I thought I replied to this? Anyways sorry for the bump!

This new version IS a rewrite and I think it should be even called v2 or just have another post about it by it self to be honest.

You can now change ANYTHING in your avatar and it will update it. You can turn it into RTHRO, change animations, change back everything, and it will just update. It’s really good now, that was something that really annoyed me before, so this is just so much better.

I haven’t looked through the code but it is a rewrite so it probably is more efficient.

One thing that did annoy me a little bit, which is fixable in my part, I just found it interesting, so um…

You might have joined Murder Mystery 2 and noticed that it keeps the old R15 animation if you’re using the default animations.

The new RTHRO Run and walk and some others replaced the defaults, therefore now you use rthro animations anyhow.

Murder Mystery 2 deals with that by replacing the animation I’d and everything for the right Id.

My suggestion is, since it would be easier to implement like that, a setting or something to allow you to do that easily.

People can do that already, but my script for some reason didn’t detect changes, idk why. Anyways that’s that I guess. I honestly feel like this deserves another post just because of how much better it is to the v1.

Also btw, how am I supposed to see the src if there’s no GitHub? Unless I’m being dumb but umm lol

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