LMD | Hiring Project Manager! [Closed]


Little Moonies Daycare is a upcoming daycare Roleplay group that is dedicated to giving a real-life daycare experience.


We are looking for someone that has previous experience on Marketing, we need our games to have a new Marketing look and with this we hope to have a better look in the Roblox Platform.


@nobody - Project Manager
@nobody - Project Manager
@nobody - Project Manager


We will give each marketing team member a percent of 25% of all group revenue! Along with the 25%, you will receive a few perks:

•Project Manager role in Discord & Group
•In-game perks


If you are interested in this position, please DM Young!#3200

Group Link: Little Moonies Daycare - Roblox

Applications are closed!

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Greetings! I am interested but im affaid that i DO NOT have discord but im always active on the devforum and on roblox.

Ok. You can DM me to apply or @y0uxq.

Please show your group link so I can see and gather information from your group and maybe! I may consider taking this role.

Do I have to have experience with management in previous projects?

I added it at the bottom of the post.

I love the theme and logo I added you on discord. The tag isn’t working

The discord account I posted is the founder’s account. I am the Vice-President. Right now, he’s offline so you could message me @Policey!!#0851.

I can’t even friend you on Discord what tag are you using do you have Friend request on??? Hold on let me give you my tag SmokingCables#5069

Oh, sorry I had all friend requests off.

What kind of marketing are you looking for in this game - monetization, advertising, a mix of both and more?
I have a background in writing for games, advertising, marketing, and recruitment in IRL projects but am new to the Roblox devforum. I’m having trouble adding Young in Discord, so I’ve sent a friend request to the username you gave in the comments.

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Your DMs are off. Mind turning them on? That is in theory the only real way I can contact you.

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You are not added friends.
But if you want to buy, you can read my post.

We are looking for both! If you would
Like to apply, DM Me’

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What is your Discord? I will DM a you instead.

im interested iccan manage things very good i willing to have a good relationship with other managers and my discord is FUNNIER THAN YOU#3220

I’ve sent you a friend request on Discord. My username is Gamers#1304. If there’s an issue with Discord I’m available to chat in the site’s DMs.

Thank you for applying! Any questions can be directed to @y0uxq. Thanks again! Applications are still open.

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Applications are closed! Sorry if you couldn’t apply. There will be other applications/recruitments in the future!

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