Loading Lag + FPS Lag. Looking for ways to fix these


So I’ve been developing Vibe Gas Station for pretty much a year now.

I’ve noticed that over time, the game loads slower and sometimes, assets don’t even load in at all.

My player base also experiences lag time to time, but it depends on where they’re looking. Everything in the game is built by me, and there is probably like 2-3 copy and pasted free models that I’m using for placeholder while I learn blender.

I tried clearing the server of any scripts that I didn’t need, and I also recently optimized pretty much all my client sided code.

My wifi isn’t the greatest, but other people with decent wifi have expressed that the game loads slower than others.

Here is an example of the incorrect asset loading:


and here is an example of the FPS fluctation.

I’ve read about Meshes being better than Unions, but in some cases I cannot do that because I don’t know how to texture my parts with the different colors like unions. My game does use quite a bit of unions, but I feel like it’s not only unions causing the problem.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

I forgot to mention that my computer is pretty good and in ways actually runs Metaverse Champions better than this game and this game is much smaller compared to Metaverse Champions on Max Graphics

Union corruption is still a thing but there’s a new test in beta that could fix most your union corruptions althouh this may not 100% work

I would also suggest just learning to use meshes since performance wise they are massively more competant than outdated unions

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Thank you, but my friend says that she can see the union, and I can now as well on rejoin. Sometimes the assets don’t load at all, or sometimes they do.

Also for FPS, if you haven’t already, use StreamingEnabled

This is cause the client commits the union corruption so for a temporary fix use multiple parts or learn how to use meshes quickly

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I enabled that by doing some reading. I also enabled interpolation throttling to cap moving objects to 30fps from afar. edit I did these 2 things a little while ago before this post.

I will what I can do to replace the jukebox union with a mesh instead. Thank you.

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As for the FPS fluctuation, it isn’t the case. The reason as to why rests in number of polygons that scene has to render. You should try lowering the polygons in that specific camera view. I don’t think it’s caused by StreamingEnabled, if it was disabled, there would be a huge FPS drop when the game loads in assets. I’m assuming you can only texture your models with a single texture, I’m thinking you aren’t editing the UVs of the model.

I’m slightly confused on how one would do this. Like, make the models more simple?

What do you mean by “UVs of the model”? I’m unfamiliar with that term.