Loading screen error

How do you mean? Iā€™m not all that good with code. :confused:

make a listener that checks if it is loaded, when it does cancel that pointer

Uhm how do I do that :tongue: if you have a tutorial to show me that would work, too.

I am on my phone between zoom classes sorry. Look into the relevant signal and the Disconnect() method and run service

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Now the output says that ā€œFrameā€ isnā€™t a valid member of ā€œScreenGUIā€, are there any alternatives?
Screen Shot 2020-11-09 at 2.20.46 PM

GUI.Frame should be GUI.LoaderBackground. How did we miss that?

It half works now. Only problem is that it doesnā€™t slide off the screen as it should.

Edit: I know it looks simple, it was meant to be practice :stuck_out_tongue:

IT WORKS! Thank you all so much! The loader is pretty quick, but thatā€™s okay. Have a good one!