Loading screen not working properly

How do I fix it?I don’t know how to fix it

Could send a place file with your GUI so we can fix this up quicker? its hard to identify how your gui is set up.

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Its your anchor point values. They should be set to (0, 0.4). it should go from left to right. instead of trying to stay in the center

To open up your properties tab, go to the top bar > View > Properties

What should I do then???

Select your bar, and then go to its properties and change the anchor point to (0, 0.4)

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It doesn’t work for you if???

Did your change these to 0, 0.4 ?


yes but lookyes but look…

Could you please rephrase that? i would prefer english

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still grilling the same error…

could you send me the solution in private

why in private? Your thread is suppose to have the solution.

I hate to butt in, but if @Ethanthegrand14 does find a solution, it’s best to keep it here so others can find it in the future.

Are you still getting the same problem? or is it different?

I don’t know how to fix it. I have the same problem

@ALANWAL44 Can you invite me to your place, I will try and help you with your problem. As it is hard to understand what the problem is in here.

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I sent you the file to help me solve it

You should keep the anchor point set to 0 i think that will resolve the issue.
And when u are trying to tween do it like this: script.Parent:TweenSize(UDim2.new(.3,1,1,1), “Out”, “Linear”, 2, true)

I’m trying to solve, but it’s very difficult

As, @Ethanthegrand14 says, you need to set the anchor point to Vector2.new(0, 0.5) (centre-left of the UI) to make sure that it tweens from the left to the right, and not from the centre.

Here’s a loading screen I worked on a while back that uses a {0, 0.5} AnchorPoint (the GIF quality is bad its better in game :wink: )


Here’s the link if you wanna see the loading screen in higher quality.