Loading screen not working with CharacterAutoLoads off

Try checking that real quick. ReplicatedFirst | Documentação - Central de Criadores Roblox

There are several things you need to remember when working with local scripts inside ReplicatedFirst

Just tried it and it didn’t work.

For example, using WaitForChild cannot work as expected, since scripts inside ReplicatedFirst run way more quickly than normal, meaning objects outside replicated first may not loaded

if it doesn’t do anything, then it could be some external errors that are also making the script not run, like outdated plugin errors, it also happened to me and got fixed when I updated the plugin

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yeah, you can also try assigning the variables after the game is loaded

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Additionally, this script relies on certain player objects, meaning that, putting characterautoloads off, thereby won’t load the stuff character has.

Tried that and it didn’t work at all.

Well no since the variables are variables of the player not the character.

So then how would i get the objects?

helps identify to where it might be failing with more print

print("Starting script...")

-- Require modules with debug prints
local Booleans
local Functions

print("Requiring Bools_Module...")
    Booleans = require(Modules_Folder.Bools_Module)
print("Bools_Module loaded:", Booleans ~= nil)

print("Requiring Functions_Module...")
    Functions = require(Modules_Folder.Functions_Module)
print("Functions_Module loaded:", Functions ~= nil)

-- Rest of your script...

It’s not printing print("Functions_Module loaded:", Functions ~= nil).

-- Check if the modules are loaded
if Booleans and Functions then
    print("All modules loaded successfully.")
    print("One or more modules failed to load.")

Doesn’t print anything it seems.

try: game.Loaded:Wait()

So you can wait for the game to load.

That didn’t work at all it seems :frowning: .

what is in the booleans module?

local Booleans = {}
Booleans.Game = {
	["Loaded"] = false,
	["SkippedLoad"] = false,
	["IntroDone"] = false
Booleans.Player = {
	["Falling"] = nil, --Defined in Moves_Airborne.
	["Can_Dive"] = false,
	["Can_GP"] = false,
	["GPing"] = false,
	["Can_Attack"] = true,
	["Attacking"] = false,
	["Holding"] = false,
	["Reading"] = false
return Booleans

try putting a print statement in the module.

if it works with characterautoloads on, it means the character NEEDS to be loaded.

I found this in another forum post:

CharacterAutoLoads does not spawn the character when they join the game.

If the character is not auto spawned, they will not have any gui from StarterGui put into their PlayerGui.

Their PlayerGui instance will exist, but will not have the default gui for the game.

Also, try using Modules_Folder:WaitForChild(“Bools_Module”)

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