Loading UI/Fading UI not working

popups is an invisible frame. Inside it there is the Loading Icon and I will add more things to it soon; it is basically a place where I put the popups, for example, a notification.


Yeah, I know about that, I didn’t understand their question.

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I missed a comma. My apologies. I was asking
To confirm , (meaning please confirm the following statement I am making) the script named Spinner is a Regular ”Script”, and not a ”LocalScript”


Yes, it is a Regular Script, not a Local Script.


Alright thank you. Just another moment.


I think for tween service it should be a local script. Also, have you tried this plugin:? TweenSequence Editor


I’ll try this plugin; thanks for recommending me it.

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Is the main script not a localscript as well?


The main script (applicationLoader, which is inside the UI) is not a Local Script, it is a Regular Script.

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No problem! Just don’t try changing the ui corner radius just yet. Scripts don’t effect it


I thought of making a Remote Event so when that event fires the server, it would tween (I would use another script for when the Remote Event fires the server). I don’t know if that would make it work, though.

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That’s your issue. You are trying to get LocalPlayer from a Regular Script. LocalPlayer does not replicate across the client server boundary


So, will it work if I change it to a Local Script?


I don’t see the point in a remote event. If you are using the plugin, once you have required the animator, you can use animator.TweenName:Play() it gives you more in detail in the plugin’s tutorial

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No promises, but it will definitely allow you to get the player at least. Best way to diagnose code is to look for the basic things. Do you have Output open on your Studio? It and Script Analysis are two great tools to get past the smaller mistakes that everyone forgets about now and then.

For example, it immediately set off errors when I started the game because the script couldn’t access localPlayer

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Yeah, I opened them and played the game for Output but nothing much happened, nothing related to applicationLoader.

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Do you mean that Output isn’t showing an error when you try to get
game.Players.LocalPlayer with a regular script

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Yes, I do. DevForum is forcing me to put more than 30 characters-

That means your Studio is doing the impossible. If the original script you posted is a Regular Script. And you run it. Output will show an error saying that loadingGUI cannot be equated to nil whereas nil is the LocalPlayer that cannot be accessed

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Wait, it worked with the Local Script. The problem was that it didn’t work with a Regular Script.

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