LoadRaw — Load Raw Code with Ease!

It’s good if you have the link and instead of going to it, paste it in an attribute

I forgot about this resource, but then I went to check and updated the code and made it future proof

@skelworks what do you mean?

@Beloathed that would be an epic idea, but sadly people would flag your post :frowning:

@AlureonTime Do you have any ideas for this plugin make your workflow faster?

Who is this even targeted for?

  1. Beginners would prefer copy paste.
  2. Advanced users would prefer Rojo and Got workflow.
  3. No merge confict management.

Have you used a Linux/gitworkflow before? If you want to make something like integrated git it’s be fine… but this is clearly not it.

It’s for people like me, also what can I do to improve it?

I can only vaguely answer “make it like git” but cannot elaborate as I do not have much depth about it myself.

You could allow it to be incorporated with git directly, allowing us to sign into our Git & cloning repositories directly, rather than having to directly grab the URL. This could include forked & private.

The same with modules we also have in our inventories.

Unfortunately, this would require VSCode usage, and I would need people to put their GitHub token, but RepoToRoblox already exists but I will make a free alternative to that as a seperate resource

though I would need to do some proxy hosting to get the modules, and I’m not a web developer, I am not a VSCode Plugin Developer, only a roblox developer

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Never undervalue what you’re capable of. A Roblox developer holds such value now a days in terms of what you can achieve. But thanks anyway!

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Explain how. I only make roblox games, not some node.js usage stuff

Thanks :slight_smile:

you’re welcome

Well you can always learn new things if you want to.

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yep I know but usually I am busy with irl stuff so I don’t have enough time to do so

Hello. Please check. Is this official feature the exact same as what you’re trying to make?

LinkedSource is deprecated, soo it makes sense to me to make this

also it puts this error when you try to open it


Even the Roblox Official AI said that it’s deprecated

Idk how to use roblox’s “built in version contol system”

I would probably guess they are referring to PackageLinks.

What is a PackageLink? Never heard of it

PackageLink | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

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Thanks, but Packages are private only, but I think they announced that they will add public packages

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This is pretty cool plugin but ofc it needs an improvements.

Instead of Creating a module script and putting a URL attribute in it just make a gui popup when opening the plugin with 2 Textboxes and 1 Textbutton the first textbox will be the name and the second will be the url and when clicking Textbutton It’ll create a module script and place it anywhere.

Another benefit of using this plugin is when you know what’s the url and remember it like for example I know promise’s raw url, so I past it in the plugin and get the library.


I also agree with your idea, but I have skill issue when I try to make a Dock GUI, also I will add a dropdown with three different scripts

A normal Script
A Local Script
A Module Script

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