Local Constraint issues?

Hi - I’m trying to create a mounted turret that is attached to a vehicle controlled by another player.
I want the player to be able to hold the handles of the turret and control it while the vehicle is moving. The turret and player’s arms get rigged via constraints.

The problem I am having is that no matter what I’ve tried, I can’t get the constraints working properly due to a conflict in network ownership between the driver and the turret user. I give the driver network control.

So, I would just use remote events to tell the server how the turret should be rotated, but that causes some major lag from when you aim to when the turret will point to it.

My solution was to recreate the turret locally. Problem with that is I’ve been getting incredibly strange issues… clearly constraints aren’t made to be ran locally. To prevent attaching the local turret to the car directly, I used AlignPosition and set the position to the position where the turret needed to be. Even though the entire turret and character rig were created locally, they still lag behind where the car actually is.

Is this even possible without excessive CFraming?

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Try using the new UnreliableRemoteEvent, which could solve the ping/lag issue.

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Not a bad idea!

I think just rigging it all with motor6ds may still be the way to go… unfortunate that constraints can’t work in this use case