When you are Firing The Client, you Need to specificy For Which Player You Are Firing the Remote To.
script.Parent.ClickDetector.MouseClick:Connect(function() – clicking on egg supposed to make egg disappear and fire the key event
game.ReplicatedStorage.Key:FireClient() -- Here You Need to Specify The Player in the Brackets
Egg.Transparency = 1
ForceField.Transparency = 1
Sooo Your New Script should Have
script.Parent.ClickDetector.MouseClick:Connect(function(Player) – clicking on egg supposed to make egg disappear and fire the key event
game.ReplicatedStorage.Key:FireClient(Player) -- We Fire the Client to The Player
Egg.Transparency = 1
ForceField.Transparency = 1
(Also I Wrote the Above Answer Thinking you Have Correctly Put your Script in LocalScript’s And ServerScript’s Respectively)
Im trying to fire the local player so that when the quest is recieved only the player can see the block that claimed the quest. This script is in a local script btw