Locwood Village - An RPG Game (DEVLOG)

Locwood Studios has been hard at work for the past 2 years working on a new RPG game called Locwood Village. The game is set in the medieval era, whilst still featuring some futuristic elements. You can:

Complete Quests.
Purchase Houses.
Socialise with friends.
Complete Jobs.

The game is in very, very early access, and so we are hoping for any and all feedback! Expect bugs, and report them if you find any. Other than that go and explore!



Some Minor Changes Have Been Made

You should add a loading screen. I joined in and the assets weren’t loaded in.

Thanks for the feedback. We could do, but personally we find loading screens to be annoying. I could always add one that you can skip?

It doesn’t necessarily need to be a generic “loading” screen. I’ve seen a good number of games that have nice animations done using UI when the player loads in as a way of letting things load in the background.

A player’s first impression of your game is very important, so you want to make sure that it’s immersive and smooth.

Well how do games like Brookhaven get away with no loading screen?

Get away with what? Brookhaven faces the same issue of assets not being loaded in on time.

A Loading Screen has been added.

New tutorial added

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Few screenshots, they include the Cafe System, Fishing System and Quest System.

New UI Design

A new intro to the game has been added

It has been a little while since we last updated. But we have had a short advertising campaign and are ready to share what we have learnt.

  1. Quests are interactive, but are they fun?

We have found that quests are interactive but lack fun elements. Finding certain items only goes so far in captivating players. We are trying to work on improving quests to add funner elements.

  1. Overall user experience isn’t the best.

While the UI’s do the job, they aren’t anything incredible. Overall the games design feels slightly jagged in terms of User Experience. We are attempting to create an overall smoother experience for new players

  1. New players have a hard time figuring things out.

We found that often times new players would leave without even moving. A specific NPC we installed to guide you goes unnoticed. We plan to add starter quests to help new players get into the action.

Overall we have learnt a lot and have a long way to go. We need all the suggestions we can get, so we suggest joining the Discord!


Thankyou everyone for the wait! I’m happy to announce that a new update addressing feedback is now out.


  1. New and IMPROVED interiors for the Furniture Store and Fishermans Hut
  2. A new Fishing Inventory has been added to the Menu
  3. Teaching intro and tutorial has been removed
  4. New starter quest for new players
  5. Signs above all landmarks indicating what they are
  6. Quest Info box to indicate to players what to do

As always, we look forward to seeing your thoughts on the new update