Looking for a Homestore Builder

About Me

Hi there! I have a clothing group called Davanti. I am looking for a builder that’s willing to join and build me a homestore.

About The Job

I am looking for a professional builder to join my team. I expect high quality builds that adhere to my group’s style. Good communication skills are appreciated; I check will check the progress daily and want to maintain a healthy relationship with one another.

I am still not sure about the style of homestore I need, but its either going to be modern, or retro. By retro I mean like a nice neon vibe.


Our preferred payment method is robux.

Contact Us

You can contact me on discord. AspNix#1260
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

i can help you DDBoyZ#0196 dm me on discord im 13 btw

I am interested! Hope I can work with you.

Hey there!

I currently have a homestore for sale if you’d like to take a check. It’s rather well made, but needs some changes.

Hello! I am interested, but only starting to develop stores. I can try to produce a very nice homestore for you at a low price due to my skill level. Here is my portfolio!

I’ve contacted you on discord, RetrievingGold#0958.

Interested, I have added you from zack.#4717

I’m interested. I added you on discord.

Is this job still open by any chance?

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