Looking for a way NPCS can constantly follow player AND avoid obstacles

I’ve been scouring countless amounts of dev-forms, wikis, and youtube videos trying to create a NPC that will actively move to the players current position, jump over obstacles, and move down obstacles. I’ve tried everything from:

  1. Raycasting
  2. Waypoints[2]:
if waypoints and waypoints[2] then
		local data = waypoints[2]
  1. MoveToWait,
  2. Even using a combination of all of the above in one disgusting script testing for hours…

With each listed method it has a weakness: 1, too inconsistent and laggy, 2, If used alone the Pathfinding service doesn’t recognize dropping down from… places? and will cause the character to freeze. 3, Causes a chain of waypoints to be created to the players position, which looks and feels very cheap.

I really don’t want to used nodes placed throughout a map, as I would highly prefer this script to be universal.
Any suggestions will help a ton.

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The Best pathfinding scripts take a LOT of work to make, so I doubt anybody would actually help with that (unless you path them real money for their services). People would probably recommend you check out a Module like SimplePath or something as apparently they are “very good”.

Otherwise you should really expect much from people if anything at all. A lot of the tutorials out there are very efficient, and are already more complex. Pathfinding along with calculating a path isnt simple, so dont take it for granted.

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Thanks for the advice
SimplePath is exactly what I am trying to create. for clarification, I am just stuck right now on new methods to try for pathfinding, every video, wiki, and article I read or watch is the same.

I am tuning up a zombie pathfinding script, I’ve already made threads, attacking, etc, health, animations, respawning, random clothing, etc… and apart from the actual pathfinding, it looks great imo