Looking for builder (partnered project) [CLOSED]

About me

Hi there! I’m a solo developer who does a bit of everything really whether thats programming, UI Designing a little music composition etc. I’m looking for a partner who can help me bring my ideas to life.

About The role

I’m looking for a partner who can build and is familiar with both Roblox Studio and Blender (or any other 3D Modelling softwares). This is a partnered based role where you will be working on designing and modelling of the maps, items etc. If you do have any other hidden talents that is even better. There isn’t a exact list of what you will be working on just yet since I haven’t started the project. I hope to work with whoever is interested in this partnership to come up with something new and presentable.

Brief overview of the idea

The genre of the game is DarkRP where a small economy is run by players and can choose how they want to play. However, in this project I want to take things to the next level and introduce a detailed system where players simulate a realistic economy similar to games like generic roleplay gaem and Anomic. I’ve been thinking about this project for some time and I personally have played alot of DarkRP games so I have a lot of ideas and plans for this project.


Now I know how annoying percentage payments sounds but as this is a partnership payment will be split evenly at 50% and once the game is complete and rolling we can discuss this further if needed.

Contact Us

You can contact me on my discord abd7756 or just drop a reply to this post and we can talk further.

Thanks for reading! :slightly_smiling_face:


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