Looking for feedback on gameplay

Hey y’all! I am working on a bullethell game with @Triler500 some of you might have seen already in the devforums:

I left this place open for the weekend and am looking to get some feedback on what is currently in place, gameplay wise. There are some somewhat big loading times, so I hope you can ignore that. The GUI is also a placeholder meant to be changed down the line.

This game is playable in mobile and console, which have an aim assist feature meant to assist them in fighting. While in the lobby, I recommend checking the buttons and what they do.

For some basics on PC:

  • WASD to move;
  • Aim with the mouse;
  • Shoot with the left mouse button or by pressing left shift;
  • Roll on spacebar;
  • Right mouse button to throw a grenade;
  • E to enter “rage mode”;
  • F to use the ultimate attack “air strike” when the percentage on the UI is at 100%;
  • The house button on the GUI is to teleport back to the lobby.

I am trying to bring something new and actually good to the platform, thus your input is very important to me. Thanks for checking it out, and I hope you have some fun! Parties are up to 4 players.

Game Link:


Wow, this looks very nice, good job. :+1:


Looks very good!, but maybe you could replace that black background with more terrain


When you understand how to play, the game is amazing fun.

I initially tried to play with an Xbox One controller of mine on PC, but it felt snappy and not as great to play with compared to my mouse. The cursor seems to jolt around when I press/use another button, letting go of the joystick, and then go back to the joystick. Maybe a tween from the last input to the newest would help with that, not sure.

Also, the UI prompts on the buttons did not update to reflect my InputType. I’m assuming you haven’t gotten to it yet, but it does hinder the experience on controller.

First time playing, I had no idea what I was doing. But, on the third try, playing with another, I beat the noob boss and it felt awesome.

There are the obvious things like the load times and UI, as you mentioned in the OP. Anyhow, I’m assuming the difficulty scales based on player amount. I’ve only played solo and with one other person, so I’m not sure.

For more gameplay, I’d put a mostly-linear tutorial in to teach players things. Maybe an exponential learning curve as you go through missions or something.


Is this specifically about the cursor itself? Not the camera?

Thank you so much for checking out the project and for your feedback! I did not get to change the input type yet, thanks for the reminder. Eventually, I am planning to do a tutorial, but we are in an early development phase and are looking more intensively in the mechanics and game feel during the gameplay itself. That is why some problems such as the long load times and UI were not adressed yet. Ideally, we want to make sure what we have in place is already nice and only then start working on other aspects.

Also yes, the difficulty does scale according to the number of players. If you get the chance, feel free to try with 3 or more. It can get very chaotic.


Maybe the camera, not sure, it did move as well.

Here’s a video of my first attempt with controller:


Ahhh, I see what you mean. I can think of some ways to improve that.

Once more, thank you very much for checking our work out!


This looks really fun to play. As long as you don’t make it a rage game, because I don’t like how a lot of bullet games can sometimes be unplayable, I would play it often.


no its not supposed to be a rage game, its supposed to be hard sure but only reliant on the skill of the player. In the future there will also be lower difficulty options for those who cant beat the harder ones


Cool game, but I feel like the red bar at the top should be more like “How much hp do the enemies still have in total?” instead of “How many enemies are still alive on the map?”.


I love seeing creative games like these on Roblox. This is really amazing and just … fun!


Really nice game, has a lot of potential, looks like some inspiration was taken from enter the gungeon, if not, still really nice.


Hey! Sorry for bothering. We have made some improvements to mobile and controller controls according to your critique and I was wondering if you could give it another shot at it.

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No worries. It’s been a bit of time since I last played, but I do think there’s been improvement. In fact, I think I had more fun and an easier time playing on controller than with a mouse and keyboard. There is still snapping, but it’s a good kind of snapping.

For Mobile:

  • The game is not forced into landscape mode, I assume that to be an oversight but it might not be.
  • The home button feels too close to the movement stick at times.
    • Maybe under or beside the health bar area would be a better place for the home button.
  • I had harder time dodging compared to when using my Xbox Controller or Keyboard. But, take that feedback with a grain of salt as I’m terrible at mobile games.


I sometimes got confused what buttons did what as the text under the buttons don’t update based on inputType (xbox controller, ps4/ps5 controller, or keyboard). I’m assuming that’ll get fixed eventually -working with that new API is kind of annoying- but I still wanted to mention it. :sweat_smile:

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I actually did not know this existed! I have been way too busy lately and haven’t been able to keep up with updates…

Is there anything that would make it easier for you in that regard?

It was something I had to do eventually but I never figured out what I wanted to call those buttons. Most UI is gonna be replaced anyways. Still, did not know about that API either, thanks for sharing!

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Not that I know/can think of. The button seems responsive enough, I’m just not good at mobile/touch controls.

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