Looking for ways to further optimize my game

So I’ve been working on this game “RoVille” for over a year now and a lot of people have told me that they have been enjoying the game. A few people have been complaining on performance issues on the game and some even say that they crashed while playing the game.

I’ve already tried several ways to optimize the game:

  • Using StreamingEnabled so that only a small portion of the map loads for lower-end devices
  • Compressing textures so that they take up less memory
  • Having less viewport frames on devices that can not handle as much. (My game uses a lot of viewport frames to preview houses in the marketplace)
  • Unions and Meshes renderFidelity set to Automatic so that far away objects render less polygons.

My game’s map uses a mixture of terrain and parts and is quite large.
The game uses around 1GB Memory and I’m not sure how to push that number even lower.
The total part count in the game is 31k (38k if you include parts in ReplicatedStorage) but this number can go quite high if the players in the game have big houses.

Heres the link to the game:

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.


(I’ve probs relinked this same post 4 times by now but its pretteh gud)

Anyways, in short words, the more simpler you create something, the less strain it is put in. Small things like what you use in scripts (global/local) can change a game’s performance and vary.

Also, based on your game, you deal with quite a feal images correct? If so, what you could try doing is LOD (Level of Detail), basically, adjust detail levels based on what the player chooses for quality, pretty sure there is actually a setting for this. It should help lower end pcs with performance issues :+1:

Another thing is of course, less updates overall with of course, put shorter strain on the game. Any infinite loops should be inspected closley of course.

Also, it might just be me but It doesn’t seem that detail get’s lessened when going further awhile from buildings/houses. It looks as though you keep that detail which if you were to account for all other parts/instances from other houses around the large map, that could get pricey on memory quite quickly.

There might be some other tips that I’m missing but I think that should help, goodluck :+1:

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Thanks for the list of tips! I will be sure to keep them in mind and take a deeper look into my scripts to optimize them further. I’ll also try using unloading furniture from houses which are too far away which will hopefully put less strain on GPU usage.

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