Looking to start making logos and thumbnails

Hello! My name is Tiny Gecko. I am looking forward to starting making logos and thumbnails but I am not sure where to start. I am a complete newbie with 0 experience. What would you suggest I do to learn and practice?

First of all what type do you want to make. There are 2D ones or 3D ones. Both are classed as GFX’s but 3D ones are ones with people in and is 3D when 2D ones are just the flat ones.

I also suggest looking on YouTube as there are a ton of videos on it. If you need any help always feel free to DM me as I believe I am quite good at them.


On the GFX topic im not very experienced, but looking up tutorials on how to use Blender and how to make simple GFX’s should help a lot!

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I’m looking to do 3D GFX. I’ll try to find some YouTube tutorials.


I recommend looking for software as a start. For GFX, the best free one I’ve seen is GIMP, for photo editing. To render, I’d recommend starting by just rendering single characters. GFX for beginners guide (Block rig) - #15 by 6lack_amir21 Is a great tutorial for that. I actually just released a video getting started with GIMP if you’d like.


Thanks, can you link the video?

Yup! Let me get it. One second. I’ll edit this post when I have it. Alright! Here it is! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SbRiimSy4UA. I hope you find it useful! I’m no expert in it either, but I wanted to get it out there.


Doing a quick search around could provide you with many results including were to start on learning how to make 3D graphic designing. There are thousands of tutorials and resources that’ll help you along the way consider learning the basic to get a hang of that specific software.

If your into 3D GFX create what your interest is in you should start searching around for programs and learning the basic tools - interface and ropes, to get comfortable with it. Start simple and keep experimenting with different selections. The best way to learn how to create logos and thumbnails is you start creating logos.

There are common software and programs available (Blender - Gimp - Inkscape). There are many guides including resources that you could use on getting started, one I recommend searching around for a software and learning the software itself and the basic tools.

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