Looping magnitude is only working for one part in the folder?

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. **I want it to work for all parts in the folder

  2. **It works for one part, and none of the others

  3. **I have tried two different methods ill post below

fogparts = {} -- do not mess with this this will be the amount of parts touched to turn on fog
for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace.FogParts:GetChildren()) do

plyr = game.Players.LocalPlayer

tdn = false -- do not mess with this 
repeat wait() until plyr.Character --- dont mess with this or anything aboce
char = plyr.Character -- dont mess with this
hr = char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") -- dont mess with this

lighting = game:GetService("Lighting") --- dont mess with this
atmos = lighting:WaitForChild("Atmosphere") -- dont mess with this
--Stuff you can change below -- 

origdens = atmos.Density
orighaze = atmos.Haze

origglare = atmos.Glare
origName = atmos.Name

newdens = 0.5
newhaze = 9
newglare = atmos.Glare
newName = atmos.Name

while wait() do
    for i,v in pairs(fogparts) do

        if (v.Size.Z / 2) >= (hr.Position - v.Position).Magnitude or (v.Size.X / 2) >= (hr.Position - v.Position).Magnitude or (v.Size.Y / 2) >= (hr.Position - v.Position).Magnitude then
                        atmos.Color = Color3.fromRGB(124, 170, 113)
                atmos.Decay = Color3.fromRGB(181, 214, 16)
            atmos.Density = newdens
    atmos.Glare = newglare
    atmos.Haze = newhaze
            atmos.Name = newName
                     atmos.Color = Color3.fromRGB(199, 170, 107)
    atmos.Decay = Color3.fromRGB(92, 60, 13)
            atmos.Density = origdens
    atmos.Glare = origglare
            atmos.Name = origName 
            atmos.Haze = orighaze 
fogparts = {} -- do not mess with this this will be the amount of parts touched to turn on fog
for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace.FogParts:GetChildren()) do

plyr = game.Players.LocalPlayer

tdn = false -- do not mess with this 
repeat wait() until plyr.Character --- dont mess with this or anything aboce
char = plyr.Character -- dont mess with this
hr = char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") -- dont mess with this

lighting = game:GetService("Lighting") --- dont mess with this
atmos = lighting:WaitForChild("Atmosphere") -- dont mess with this
--Stuff you can change below -- 

origdens = atmos.Density
orighaze = atmos.Haze

origglare = atmos.Glare
origName = atmos.Name

newdens = 0.5
newhaze = 9
newglare = atmos.Glare
newName = atmos.Name
for i=1,#fogparts do
for i=1,#fogparts do
   function CheckMag(v)
   while wait() do
        if (v.Size.Z / 2) >= (hr.Position - v.Position).Magnitude or (v.Size.X / 2) >= (hr.Position - v.Position).Magnitude or (v.Size.Y / 2) >= (hr.Position - v.Position).Magnitude then
				 atmos.Color = Color3.fromRGB(124, 170, 113)
				atmos.Decay = Color3.fromRGB(181, 214, 16)
			atmos.Density = newdens
	atmos.Glare = newglare
	atmos.Haze = newhaze
			atmos.Name = newName
                     atmos.Color = Color3.fromRGB(199, 170, 107)
	atmos.Decay = Color3.fromRGB(92, 60, 13)
			atmos.Density = origdens
	atmos.Glare = origglare
			atmos.Name = origName 
			atmos.Haze = orighaze 


Please do not ask people to write entire scripts or design entire systems for you. If you can't answer the three questions above, you should probably pick a different category.

First thing I noticed is that you put the parts from the folder instantly into a table. Don’t do that because it’s possible that some parts dindt load in yet, so inside the for loop, just do folder:GetChildren() it should fix your problem.

Here’s how it should look like if you didn’t understand that.

plyr = game.Players.LocalPlayer

tdn = false -- do not mess with this 
repeat wait() until plyr.Character --- dont mess with this or anything aboce
char = plyr.Character -- dont mess with this
hr = char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") -- dont mess with this

lighting = game:GetService("Lighting") --- dont mess with this
atmos = lighting:WaitForChild("Atmosphere") -- dont mess with this
--Stuff you can change below -- 

origdens = atmos.Density
orighaze = atmos.Haze

origglare = atmos.Glare
origName = atmos.Name

newdens = 0.5
newhaze = 9
newglare = atmos.Glare
newName = atmos.Name
for i,v in pairs(workspace.FogParts:GetChildren()) do
   function CheckMag(v)
   while wait() do
        if (v.Size.Z / 2) >= (hr.Position - v.Position).Magnitude or (v.Size.X / 2) >= (hr.Position - v.Position).Magnitude or (v.Size.Y / 2) >= (hr.Position - v.Position).Magnitude then
				 atmos.Color = Color3.fromRGB(124, 170, 113)
				atmos.Decay = Color3.fromRGB(181, 214, 16)
			atmos.Density = newdens
	atmos.Glare = newglare
	atmos.Haze = newhaze
			atmos.Name = newName
                     atmos.Color = Color3.fromRGB(199, 170, 107)
	atmos.Decay = Color3.fromRGB(92, 60, 13)
			atmos.Density = origdens
	atmos.Glare = origglare
			atmos.Name = origName 
			atmos.Haze = orighaze 

now it prints fog and nofog, in both parts, but only works for one

I edited the previous post to include how the script should look like

that one also only works for one
ill provide you with a gyazo of whats happening

so this is whats happening as you can see one part works as its supposed to, the other does not do anything at all

any ideas? that was your version copied/pasted and a problem with the ends fixed

try adding this at the very beginning of the script

if not game:IsLoaded() then game.Loaded:Wait() end

Still only working for one :confused:

I fixed it, i had to account for the closest part for it to even work almost as if i was doing a follow script for a humanoid, but it worked


I know this is quite an old thread, but I spotted it by chance and it seemed appropriate to post an explanation here for anyone reading this in the future, since I ran into similar topic today.

Check this post out: