Wow! This is an excellent alternative to normal Lua because of Luau’s features!
I love it when companies open-source things like this to help developers massively!
Edit: I wonder if it’s possible to embed Luau with a framework like Love2D or something, It might be considering the similarities.
Isn’t this a bad thing? Not only is this giving more access to the exploiting community but this will help big exploit programs make better bypasses and other things to work around ROBLOX’s security.
I joined this platform over 10+ years ago and didn’t imagine anything like this would ever happen.
It’s own programming language? Let alone an open source one?
Some vetererans like me hate the updates, but most of the recent updates are just technical advancements that I never expected to see, Roblox is changing for the better.
A lot of people have said that before but I think it’s really good for things outside of Roblox too, it’s a double-edged sword basically in that it’s good for people to use in their projects because of all of the features that Luau has but it’s bad for the fact that exploiters can now look at the source code.
I think you’re looking for something like Lemur (GitHub - LPGhatguy/lemur: Partial implementation of Roblox API in Lua). I don’t think this project is maintained atm, and it currently wouldn’t work with Luau command line out of the box because of sandboxing restrictions; we’ll need to figure out how to make things like that work.
The thing is, I do not believe that Roblox cares about small “clones” because of how big of a company they are. There have already been many Roblox “clones” but all of them have failed or have not gotten popular enough to make a big enough impact for Roblox to step in.
Well on the page for Luau, it says that it’s backwards-compatible with Lua 5.1 so it’s basically the same anyways now, All’s the clones would get are the fancy new features but none of Roblox’s genuine services.
This is crazy, I can’t believe that after 15 years roblox actually decided to make the language open source. I thought it would never happen. I guess I was wrong. Thanks a lot for doing this. Its a really good language and I can’t wait to see what people are gonna make with this
This is cool and all, would be nice to see community based additions etc, but I also have some concerns, wouldn’t this allow for exploit creators to get a better understanding of things and creat better hard to combat exploits.
It’s heeeere!!! Like omg, when this was announced at RDC, I was super excited.
I’m super duper excited to see what the community can do with such a powerful asset. Some devs here are incredibly talented, I’m curious what can emerge!