Luau Libraries available for use

These are awesome! Are there any plans to publish them to wally as well for ease of installation?


It was discussed, but the answer is not currently. We don’t want to play a hand in influencing what tools the community uses.


To add on to this, these packages are open source, and we aren’t opposed to you to publishing these things to Wally or npm, or the package manager of your choice!


As someone who regularly uses these packages (and their third party alternatives) I’m so so excited for this announcement! Gone are the days of having to sift through previous projects and library folders to get these utils; in are the days of homogenized versioning and easy access all in one place! Woohoo! I love a lot of the changes being made in recent months and I’m very excited to see what else you guys have in store for us.


Woohoo! I am glad this has finally come to fruition, and the community can stop pulling these from client bundles :smile:

A couple of questions:

  • Will more niche packages, such as Apollo Client and the testing libraries, also be included in these releases? Our game, Clip It, would benefit immensely from Apollo, but we are weary of pulling it from client bundles without test cases because of its complex asynchronous logic.
  • Will the JS-to-Lua translation tool also be released? Our team hand-maintains several translated JavaScript packages (Sentry client, React Navigation, and hopefully soon Zustand), and it would be a significant help if we could make use of the tool.

Me and the team would love to discuss our use cases in private if Apollo & JS-to-Lua aren’t on the roadmap. Releasing them would likely save us months of work long-term.


This is amazing! Roblox also has a wide array of internal tooling to enable development at scale while using Luau and the platform and it’d be great to see a future where these are also released to the community.


I absolutely love to finally see progress on this. I am disappointed a bit that React (or Roact) wasn’t included in the initial batch and that these are read-only (no contributing), but I hope to see that change in the future, as it says. I have major support releasing the JS-to-Lua translation tools, as well.


Roact is already open-source (see GitHub - Roblox/roact: A view management library for Roblox Lua similar to React), along with Rodux.


Thanks for open sourcing this stuff! This is a good step forward.


They weren’t lying, that future really is bright.

This is a big jump forward for OSS on Roblox, and it’s a big deal even though Roblox isn’t yet accepting contributions. I cannot wait for what the future holds. Especially given these seem to use Rojo, which is awesome to see.

PS: Uploading these to Wally would be cool. While I know you don’t want to influence what the community uses, in general the OSS community has settled on Wally and these will end up on there one way or another. It would be cool if Roblox themselves were the ones to upload them… Though at the same time I understand not wanting to encourage people to install things from a secondary source that you don’t control despite having your name on it. :slight_smile:


So glad that Cryo is finally open source! While there (technically) was a sort-of open source alternative (Llama), it’s good to know that this library is now completely open source.


They are referring to the Lua translation of upstream React. See GitHub - jsdotlua/react-lua: A library for building user interfaces in Lua..


Thank you for officially releasing these! I think having the option of using the git repo or the creator marketplace package is great.


This is awesome. Glad to see Roblox open sourcing libraries for a community who will happily contribute quality material. Huge thanks to the team who’ve helped at Roblox.


Hell yeah, super cool, you might want to tag them on github as well or put them in a list!


Yooo, this is really cool!

Lua (and Luau) have been such underrated languages over the years of it’s existence.
I would actually prefer using Lua(u) over languages like Python or JavaScript.

Glad to see that Lua(u) is slowly becoming more recognized and used.


Absolutely incredible! Several of these libraries have been implemented previously in community-maintained packages, but seeing them officially supported by Roblox is great! dash, regexp, polyfill, and signal look particularly useful, and it’s amazing to see Roblox supporting both the Roblox open-source community and the wider Lua open-source community with these libraries as well.

official react17 wen


It’s great that Roblox is open to community input for Luau. Lua and Luau have a lot of potential, especially with the community working on it (at least that’s what I think if I understood the post right).


I know Swift, is this like:

import MyAwesomeService

in Swift, but in LuaU, you would do:



Or is it something else?

i think you meant require(

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