I appreciate the efforts in transitioning to React Lua, but I’m facing challenges with the installation of Roact 17, primarily due to the unavailability of Rotriever. The current documentation relies heavily on Rotriever, which complicates the process for those using Rojo 7.
To streamline this transition, I suggest:
Prioritizing the release of Rotriever or a compatible package manager.
Providing alternative installation guidelines that don’t depend on Rotriever.
Offering a clear guide for transitioning from legacy Roact to Roact 17.
These steps would greatly assist developers like myself in adapting to the new system efficiently. Thank you for considering this feedback.
Hey! I was interested in using react-lua but I can’t seem to find a way to install rotriever, do you have a download or another method of installing it? It seems to have been removed from the github as all the links go to nothing
We appreciate the feedback that react-lua is challenging to use without access to our internal package manager (rotriever). There’s now a .rbxm attached to the most recent release on GitHub. This should help people get started with react-lua.
Will react-lua ever get good docs like rodux or other roblox libraries? It’s currently very hard to learn how to use it without prior knowledge of ReactJS or roact, and given that the latter is deprecated it makes reading its docs not worthwhile because they dont represent the best way to use react-lua.
I’ve been told to look at ReactJS docs but I find them even more confusing because they are too foreign of how luau works.
I faced an installation challenge with the Otter library. The GitHub releases page for Otter appears to be non-functional , which is causing some issues.
While trying to use Otter with Rojo 7, I use the otter module in /modules/otter/src. However, I’ve noticed that the Otter module seems to be missing some dependencies that are not included in the GitHub repository . This is hindering its integration into my project.
They’re modules that originated from being used by Roblox internally, and are being released to the public. You should read the entirety of OP, it explains it very well
It’s cool and all that you have open-sourced your libraries but currently it’s no help at all. The documentation is basically non-existent and there’s no way to install the libraries because we don’t have access to your internal tools like rotriever. Is it possible to provide a .rbxm file for Jest? I was very excited to try it out.