Luau Questions and Roblox Studio Questions

Hello! So I’m a Novice Scripter, Can anyone teach me this stuff?

How Can I learn AND remember TweenService?

How does For loops work?

How do Tables work, How can I put Players In Them?

How can I get better at Scripting ( Other than YouTube Tutorials ( They Dont Help As Much ) and other than the Roblox Course thing ( They kinda help ) )

What Tips would you give me for figuring out bugs and how they happen?

What is OCC and what does it stand for?

What Is The Difference Of CFrames and Position, What are they used for?

What is Bit32 For?

How Do RemoteEvents Work?

What Is Enum For? What Does It Mean?

How Do DataStores Work And How Can I Learn How to use it without Searching Up how To Make One?

What Is utf8 for?

Is It Possible To Encode Code?

What is AddService, Geometry, Google Analytics, Analytics, HTTPService, PhysicsService, SpawnService, MouseService, KeyboardService, etc… And What Are they Used For?

What Do All of The Starter Services Do, What Are They Used For?

What is a BindableEvent and a RemoteFunction For?

What are RemoteFunctions And ModuleScripts For?

How Can I use Raycasting, How Does It Work? Do I need to Call A Service?

Other ROBLOX Studio Questions…

What do all of the Constraints do?

What is a RayValue and What is It Used For?

What are BodyMovers and How Do They Work?

What Is a SoundGroup

Sorry If this seems like Spam or Anything, Trying My Best to become a Intermediate scripter, this is what I heard or seen some of them do ( Or Just Some things I wanna Learn! ). I don’t always wanna ask For Help on the Devforum or any other ROBLOX Scripting Groups or anything, I also want to get a Job and Make my own games, Commission People, and Work For Big Games to!

If you would like me to take this post down, I will happily oblige

You can find tutorials and explanations within the DevForum, but the official Roblox documentation of the API and such is at There you can pretty much find anything you need to know about scripting with Roblox Lua.

I can’t answer all of your questions, but try looking on YouTube. There’s a huge amount of videos from multiple creators that can teach you a lot about programming with luau.

Another place where you can learn a lot is on one of the Roblox websites. (Roblox Creator Documentation) It’s very helpful.

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I’m gonna offer you something thats gonna save you a lot of time.

go to google and type roblox wiki >then whatever subject you wanna know here<

roblox wiki remote events
roblox wiki variables.
The link will always be
Most people don’t answer these questions because theyre so repetitive.

Second as to how to get good or how to get better. Just practice. You’re not gonna get anywhere copying scripts from youtube videos you need to try and make things on your own. What happens when you can’t figure it out > do research look for anything similar to what you’re doing and try again. The only way to become good at something is to fail and pick yourself up. Don’t stick around asking questions on the forum cuz then youll never get good that way. Being spoon fed information will never help you. Scripting requires problem solving if you cant push yourself to do that small bit to find your own information you wont last as a programmer.


and @aninfiniteinferno

Tutorials are kind of Hard for me to come by, They don’t help that much, and Usually Tutorials on YouTube are on how to make specific things, They don’t explain the code at all ( Most of them ) and always make something specific, It doesn’t help me learn anything tbh. I don’t feel satisficed and don’t feel like I’m learning everything all of the time, I would wanna get a teacher but from what I heard a lot of them cost Robux or sometimes even real life currency which I’m not packed with at all, Especially considering I’m a Beginner Dev.

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I meant tutorials on the Developer Hub, although there are very specific ones on YouTube as well.

I agree with this, I dont feel like Im learning anything at all whenever Im watching a Tutorial

I will try looking into the “Roblox Wiki” thanks

If you’re gonna learn from wiki you should go in order > learn these things

difference between local and server scripts

once you learn these start learning different things like key inputs
you can use either user input service or context action service
then move onto remote event and remote functions.
Going with the bare basics you should start recognizing patterns and be able to make some things on your own.


After you learn it. You don’t remember it. You just have this link ready at all times. Tween | Roblox Creator Documentation :joy: Maybe you can remember it once you learn but I can’t​:sweat_smile: .

As for learning it, go to that link at skip to the code samples. It has the best example of a basic tween I can find.

Tables work like this:

local table = {}

^ This is an empty table.

local table = {"Hello"}

^ This is a table with one value inside of it. If I wanted to reference that value like a variable I would say


We use the number 1 because it is the first value in a table. Studio would see table[1] as “Hello”, therefore we can say

-- the output would show "Hello"

You can also add multiple values to a table. A table can hold almost anything: strings, numbers, objects, color3 values ect. Make sure your values are separated by a comma.

local table = {"Hello", 3, "Roblox"}

If we wanted to reference the number value we would say table[2] nice it is the second value in the table.
Now, read that a few times before reading more because you need to understand all of what I just said to understand what I’m going to teach you next.
Whenever you say [instance]:GetChildren() it puts it into a table. For example, if I wanted a table of all the players in the game I would say

local players = game.Players:GetChildren()

^ this is basically

local players = {player1, player2, player3 ect. ect.}

These values in the table are the actual player objects not there names. This may seem useless but you just need to learn for loops first. If you have any questions you can reply and I’ll do my best to answer them.

edit: if you find this helpful then let me know and I’ll try to make more for your other questions

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A position is a Vector3 value that has three values the x, y, and z coordinates.,0,0) -- this is the center of the world

A CFrame is a whole lot more complicated but basically is made up of the position and the rotation (vector3, position front side is facing (vector3)

CFrames are a whole lot more complicated than that but that’s as best as I can explain to a new programmer.

Learn the basics before you try to learn too many specifics. Roblox recently put this together and it should be a good place to start. Don’t try to rush.

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YouTube tutorials and dev hub are you’re best bet.


local StartingNumber = 1
local EndingNumber = 5
for Index = StartingNumber, EndingNumber do


  1. Tables are lists of items that you put inside them, think of them as baskets that carry information
  2. Yes, you can store players in tables

Practice makes perfect. The longer you code, the better you get at it.
A good thing to do is look through Roblox Engine API Reference | Roblox Creator Documentation if you don’t know something.

Bugs are errors in your code. Try to find the source of the error and have a process of elimination to fix it.

This isn’t slang related to Roblox development, you don’t need to know it.

A CFrame is an object containing a Position and Rotation value.
A Position is a place in the game, for example Position 0,0,0 is the very center of the world.

It is a Roblox library for bitwise operations. This doesn’t really have a common use.

They are small network packets sent from a player to the Roblox server or from a Roblox Server to a player. They contain data that you can send at certain times from a player’s localscript or a server’s script.

In computer programming, an enumerated type is a data type consisting of a set of named values called elements, members, enumeral, or enumerators of the type. The enumerator names are usually identifiers that behave as constants in the language. An enumerated type can be seen as a degenerate tagged union of unit type.

Datastores are databases made by Roblox to use to save player data (Coins, XP)
They are very complicated for beginers so I recommend you use YouTube tutorials or Google.

It is a Roblox library to support UTF-8 encoding.

Yes, this is called Obfuscating. Though, this is seen as a bad thing in the Roblox development community.

  1. AdService: A service that was used to display ads on mobile devices
  2. Geometry: An internal service used by Roblox. (You can’t use it.)
  3. Google Analytics is an external service that can be used to collect data about your game, find out more here.
  4. Analytics: Data and information collected about your game.
  5. HTTPService: A Roblox service that allows making internet-related requests outside of Roblox.
  6. PhysicsService: A Roblox service that is able to make changes to CollisionGroups
  7. SpawnService: An internal service used by Roblox. (You can’t use it.)
  8. MouseService: An old service made by Roblox. (No Uses.)
  9. KeyboardService: An old service made by Roblox. (No Uses.)

They are services that allow default properties of a player or character to be set when they join/spawn.

  1. BindableEvents are data packets that allow player to player or server to server communications. They do not allow server to player communication.

  2. RemoteFunctions are network streams that connect player to server or server to player. They stay connected until the connected function has finished doing its thing and has returned a value.

RemoteFunctions are used for things like making a search system that uses the server to prosses data. You can pass variables to the server, then the server will
return a value depending on the function you connected to it.

ModuleScripts are for storing settings or functions that can be require()ed from other scripts

Raycasting sends a line (Called a Ray) from an OriginPosition to a DirectionPosition, It returns a RaycastResult value if the Ray touched an part or object.

local Workspace = game:GetService(Workspace)
local Origin, Direction =,0,0),,1,1)
local RaycastResult = Workspace:Raycast(Origin, Direction)

They are objects that interact with the Roblox physics engine in their own, unique ways.

A RayValue is an object whose purpose is to store a single Ray.

BodyMover is the abstract base class for the set of legacy objects that exert forces to BasePart's in different ways.

A SoundGroup is used to manage the volume and effects on multiple Sound s at once.

Hope this helped!. Good luck on your coding adventure, friend!


I suggest just looking on the dev hub dude… all tat stuff is there.