Luau Type Checking Release

I have now been able to reproduce the crash consistently. Paste the following code into a new module and then uncomment line 42. Studio will then crash. I am running windows 10 and have tested this code on a place which has no other scripts. The reason I believed it was a luau issue is because the problematic code is mostly type definitions and setmetatable calls.

Problematic Code
-- Paste into a new module and uncomment line 42 to crash studio

----- Module Init -----
-- Generic module init

local GenericModule = setmetatable({}, {
	__index		= function(_, key) error(tostring(key)..' is not a valid member of Module', 2) end,
	__metatable	= function(_) error('The metatable is locked', 2) end

type LockedMetatable<self> = {
	__index: (self, any) -> (),
	__metatable: (self) -> ()

----- Prototype Init -----
-- Generic prototype init

local GenericPrototype = setmetatable({}, {
	__index		= function(_, key) error(tostring(key)..' is not a valid member of Generic', 2) end,
	__metatable	= function(_) error('The metatable is locked', 2) end

GenericPrototype.__index     = GenericPrototype
GenericPrototype.__newindex  = function(_, key) error(tostring(key)..' is not a valid member of Generic', 2) end
GenericPrototype.__metatable = function(_) error('The metatable is locked', 2) end

type GenericMembers = {
	Name: string,

type GenericMethods<self, prototype> = {
	__index: prototype,
	__newindex: (self, any) -> (),
	__metatable: (self) -> (),

	Foo: (self, number) -> ()

type GenericPrototype = typeof((function()
	-- local tbl: GenericMethods<Generic, GenericPrototype>
	local mt: LockedMetatable<GenericPrototype>
	return setmetatable(tbl, mt)

export type Generic = typeof((function()
	local tbl: GenericMembers
	local mt: GenericPrototype
	return setmetatable(tbl, mt)

----- Prototype Function -----
-- Generic functions for the generic prototype

function GenericModule.NewGeneric(name: string): Generic
	local newGeneric = {
		Name = name

	return setmetatable(newGeneric, GenericPrototype)

function GenericPrototype:Foo(x: number)

----- Module Return -----

return GenericModule

So I am just now starting to get into more luau stuff and was wondering a few things that I couldn’t figure out based on reading everything in this thread.

The first question is, is the type for the function arguments suppose to limit the argument to that type, returning an error if its not? because right now I am finding it treat args as anything. if you classify them as a string or number and pass through a boolean, it goes through anyway. Or am I mistaking on how these types work.

The second question is, what would the Player’s type be? Would it be player: Player, or player: Instance, or player: Userdata, or player: Object… im not sure

Would be nice to have a list of types and their use cases! :smiley:

I’ve tried several different ways but I can’t seem to figure out how to refine an Instance into a BasePart as typeof returns Instance when applied to a Part. What is the recommended way to refine, say, the Parent property of an Instance to a BasePart to be able to access its Position property in strict mode?


@zeuxcg I was scrolling through the beta list and noticed this entry has no “ⓘ” with linked thread, which means if I was not yet familiar with type-checking from keeping up announcements I would not know what this means:

Maybe this beta entry should link to this topic.

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I’m wondering too, glad someone else has the same issue :sweat_smile:

The following class will give the error “W000:Free types leaked into this module’s public interface. This is an internal Luau error; please report it.” when trying to export its type for use in ModuleScripts requiring it.

local Class = {}
Class.__index = Class
function Class
	local self = setmetatable({},Class);
	self.State = false;
	return self;
function Class:Modify(): nil
	print(self.State)	--Comment out this line or remove '.State' and the error goes away
export type Class = typeof(;	--Remove 'export' and the error goes away

Have this error showing up when I checked up on a script, went to the internet and found this post. It seems the type checking doesn’t recognize the fact that the ObjectValue ‘Projectile’ has an assigned value, which is a part, and simply throws an error saying nil does not have the Clone function. image

Thanks for the report! I’m working on stuff related to this, I’ll add this example to my queue. And thanks for producing a minimal example, it’s very nice to work with.

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W000: expected a string or number, got number | string
Can be done using the below function

function a(b: string|number)
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I’d like to see generics available in functions, and default values for generics (default parameters would be good too; e.g. function blah(param: string = "roblox") ... end)! I feel something like this should be possible:

function GetValueOrDefault<T = any>(parent: Instance, name: string, defaultValue: T): T
	local child = parent:FindFirstChild(name)

	if child then
		return child.Value or defaultValue

	return defaultValue
local possiblyNil = GetValueOrDefault(workspace, "HelloValue")
local alwaysString = GetValueOrDefault<string>(workspace, "WorldValue", "World")

Also the linter could do with some more work. It doesn’t seem to like ternary operations (or when you do the same with if/if-else statements), such as:

return function(val: number?): boolean
    val = type(val) == "number" and val or 0
    val += 1 -- W000: Type 'nil | number' could not be converted into 'number'

    return val >= 10

Add tostring().
Try use music.SoundId = "rbxassetid://" .. tostring(id) instead.

Looks like there’s been a regression in the typings for RemoteEvent.OnServerEvent.

The following code is benign, and used to emit no warnings but will now emit a warning:

local x: RemoteEvent ='RemoteEvent')
x.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player: Player, shouldNotBeTrusted: any)

'Type (Player, any) -> ()' could not be converted into '(Instance, any) -> nil'

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Found another regression: script is now typed as a ModuleScript instead of any, and this means you can’t directly access children of the script, even in scenarios where they’re 1000% guaranteed to exist at runtime!

local gui = script.GuiTemplate:Clone()

Yes, I am still in the camp that says unnecessary calls to FindFirstChild is bad practice and makes your code more verbose than it’s supposed to be. Besides this… aren’t we supposed to be able to rely on relative paths to require modules? Interestingly enough, dot-accessing within a require statement is allowed, but for some reason dot-accessing in any other context is not allowed?

This makes me think this is not an unintentional regression, and instead just intentionally poor design…
… which makes me intentionally put ugly statements at the top of my script just so I can work around the type system.


I was reporting an issue, I know I can do that already.

We have an upcoming change that will track parts of the datamodel hierarchy for type checking to fix cases like this, but I’m not sure if we intentionally changed the type of script ahead of this - we’ll take a look.


I’m having the same issue. One workaround I found was to do this:

return function( val: number? ): boolean
    local temp = 0

    if val then
        temp = val

    temp += 1

    return temp >= 10

Has this changed yet? Is it even slightly faster or just a waste of time?

Looks like they’re adding an assertion operator (::), but in the meantime, I found this plays nicely with Luau (even in strict mode):

local function detype(value: any, _: string?): any
    return value

return function(val: number?): boolean
    local val: number = type(val) == "number" and detype(val) or 0
    val += 1

    return val >= 10

Yeah, it makes an unnecessary function call, but at least it supresses the errors for now. I’m using it sparsely, and just omitting types otherwise (generally my variable names describe what type of input is expected).

The reason I added a second parameter is because you would store a string containing your type assertion for when Roblox make the :: operator live. When it goes live, you can just remove the function call and quotes around the string.

local val: number = type(val) == "number" and detype(val, "::number") or 0
-- local val: number = type(val) == "number" and val::number or 0

This error is valid. The error specifically mentions Instance | nil, which is Instance OR nil. Instance has Clone(), but nil doesn’t, hence the error.

You get the error because another script could easily modify Projectile.Value = nil.

With the upcoming expansion to the context-aware autocomplete will type checking be compatible across scripts?

As it stands currently scripts are not aware of types being used in the module scripts they require. Meaning you would still need to open the code base to check types.

local codeTest = {}

function combineStrings(firstString: string,secondString: string): string
	return firstString..secondString

return codeTest
local code = require(game:GetService("ServerScriptService"):WaitForChild("ModuleScript"))

code.combineStrings(1,3) --There is no warning present here.