LuckyDataStore - An Easy to Use Saving Module with Session Locking and Auto-Saving

it freezes my game when i exit testing in studio

Is your computer old? Because that might be the issue. My computer is super old and sometimes studio freezes when I test but in roblox player it doesnā€™t affect.

not old at all :laughing:

lol. Did you tested the module with the updated version?

i did
char minimummmmmmmmmmmmmm

Uhh. I mean are you still getting nil error and datastore queue fill errors.

im do in game test one sec

this is weird it seems to work perfectly fine in game?

Could you test on studio too? Because while i was making tests I tested on player and studio, both were working fine.

I see no difference between this and normal datastore usage. Seems about the same difficulty.

There is no difference. This is the basic usage of the data stores. I made this for beginners to be able to use data stores. Iā€™m still working on it and improving it.

Ok that makes sense. You should probably try and make a few more features to make it easier for beginners.

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Thanks! Hopefully in the future there will be more functionality in this module.

I have an idea! A ā€œdebug modeā€ that prints when a datastore gets saved/loaded and the contents of the datastore so it makes debugging easier.

There is already a debugging feature in the module right now that you can enable or disable. It is disabled by default.

DataStoreModule.DebugMessages = true

You can enable it by this.
It warns you about saving/loading and when auto-save happens. Errors always warns.


Iā€™m pretty sure that does exist in the module already (I think)

Edit: Zephariaā€™s message came in before me lol

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This is a really great module for starters. I do have a question though, how could someone go about saving tools in a tool folder inside the player with this module? Not to ask for it itself, but the basic overview of how itā€™d be done.


Not sure how you do that though. Maybe using :Combine() function?


In the default table you can create table, as I forgot to put that into example code now I am going to put it. Then you can insert tools names for example to that table and when player joins back you can copy tools from server storage with same name.

Edit: I updated both example code and API documentation. Check under module.CreateData() for more info.


:Combine() function is used on a created player data, which is a table. It gives the variables to the created data as a table and stores them. They are not saved though as they are variable.