Lychée Handbook

:books: Lychée Handbook

Your satisfaction is our pride!


Lychée, owned by oubev, is a café that focuses on modernization and simplicity. Our main goal is to serve quality and enhanced beverages to our customers and provide an unique and singular experience. Our management team prepares our staff to put effort and keep prepared to serve you with, to leave an exceptional and positive impression.

General Information

Code of Conduct

:closed_book: The Lychée Executive Team has elaborated a Code of Conduct in order to provide a better environment within our customers and staff. These rules shall be followed by everyone, at our Roblox experiences or at the Discord server, without exceptions. Make sure to always follow these. Failure to follow the regulations below may lead to further consequences.

1. About respect and behavior

  • Please be respectful with your partners, colleagues, staff and baristas. Everyone should be respected and treated equally at Lychée. Failure to respect people may lead to a ban from our facilities.

  • Homophobia, racism, xenophobia, or any type of prejudice that may affect a certain group of people is totally forbidden at our facilities. An immediate ban may be given to those who practice this type of prejudice.

  • Respect other opinions and do not talk about sensible contents; these shall be respected as there’s people who wouldn’t like to discuss them.

  • If you believe a certain attitude that you’re thinking in practice is wrong, don’t do it. Doubts can be directed to administrators. Don’t hesitate to do it!

  • Plagiarism from our experiences, documents or anything at Lychée is prohibited; that should lead to a blacklist of your account/firm if it happens.

  • Content that includes nudity, profanity or that is explicit to a specific group of people is not allowed; failure to follow this rule may lead to a permanent ban.

  • The language used at our facilities is English; we ask you to use a translator if you don’t know how to speak English. Our baristas may translate something in case it’s needed; but using another language to your advantage may lead to a banishment.

2. About purchases inside Lychée

  • You must be aware that before purchasing any gamepass, refunds cannot be done.

  • Gamepasses not working doesn’t give the right of refund. Firstly, rejoin the experience you’ve boughtthe gamepass at. If it’s not working, then, you should report to any member of the Development Team, so the issue may be solved.

  • Lychée doesn’t require anybody to buy anything.

  • Suspect scams and always be preventive. Report the member to anybody from the HR team if you’ve seen one of those. Purchasing scam gamepasses won’t give you the right of refund at Lychée.

3. About disturbing at our facilities

  • Do not troll at our facilities. A barista should remind you to stop in case you start disturbing our counters. In case you don’t stop, you may be banned from the server’s experience you’re at.

  • Exploiting is against our regulations and Roblox ToS. Doing it may lead to a permanent ban, and also, a formal report of your account to Roblox.

  • Don’t bypass foul language, or spam anything. Bypassing bubble chat, clothes, usernames, or any way, may lead to a ban from our servers. Spamming may also lead to the same consequence.

  • Administrators can ban alt accounts that are disturbing the cafe in some way.

  • Don’t try to order above the maximum of items permitted (3). That may be considered a type of disturbance and you should be kicked from the server in case that happens. VIP members can order up to five (5) items.

  • False accusations may lead to a ban, and if you have a rank at Lychée, you should be demoted.

4. About your avatar

  • Clothes that are discriminatory in some way, that may bypass, offend, or inappropriate in general aren’t allowed at Lychée. You’ll be given 2 minutes by an admin to change your clothes. If the time passes and you refuse to change your avatar, you’ll be banned from our facilities.

5. About advertising

  • Advertising isn’t allowed at our facilities, principally if you’re not affiliated with Lychée. Affiliated groups can ask one of our Relations Department members to post or announce something; that may be considered advertising, and in this case, it’s allowed. Advertising without permissions may lead to a removal from your post and a banishment.

6. About appealing a ban

  • Bans can be appealed normally at Lychée. Although, some topics (1.2; 1.5; 1.6; 3.2; 3.3) cannot be appealed. If you’re interested in appealing, feel free to fill up the form below.

All the conducts and guidelines may be followed by everyone. No matter if you have read them or not, these shall be applied to everyone. Following all the regulations above may lead to success!

Session Schedule

:alarm_clock: Lychée hosts various training sessions daily in order to provide our customers a chance to become a Barista at our facilities, or even to level up. Check up our session times:

  • 9 AM ET | 2 PM GMT | 12 AM AEST
  • 12 PM ET | 5 PM GMT | 3 AM AEST
  • 3 PM ET | 8 PM GMT | 6 AM AEST
  • 6 PM ET | 11 PM GMT | 9 AM AEST
  • 9 PM ET | 2 AM GMT | 12 PM AEST
  • 12 AM ET | 5 AM GMT | 3 PM AEST

Sometimes sessions may be cancelled due to special events or holidays. These may be previously announced by the Executive Department.

Alliance Information

:handshake: Lychée’s Relations Department thank you for choosing us to ally with. We assume that forming good alliances is always an advantage, since both companies can grow up exponentially. Before forming an alliance, it’s vital that your company follow the requirements below, since these requirements may benefit Lychée and your firm while forming a partnership.

✶ Your group must be unbotted and have at least 40 members;
✶ It cannot be a group which sells ranks with admin power;
✶ Its reputation shall be positive and should maintain the same positivity in case of acceptance of the partnership;
✶ Shall possess considerable activity at Roblox and Discord;
✶ A professional staff team (grammar not required) is required.

Unfortunately, exceptions can’t be done oftenly. If we feel that your group has potential to grow up and reach our requirements, we’ll be accepting the partnership request. If your group follows the requirements above, you should answer the questions below, and send it using a Google Document link to a Relations Department member.

  • Why would you like to form a partnership with Lychée?
  • How can this alliance benefit both firms?
  • What makes your group stand over other companies?
  • How active is your group on a scale of 0 - 10?
  • Does your group meet all of our requirements?

After sending your application to a Relations member, be aware that we may review the response within a week. Don’t forget to send your group’s name, Roblox link, Discord link, and two Discord tags of possible representatives.

If there’s any questions, doubts or concerns, feel free to contact a Relations Department member by their DMs! To identify a Relations Department member, there’ll be a role mentioning “Relations Department” in their Lychée roles.

Ban Appeal

:writing_hand: In case you were permanently banned from any Lychée experience or in the Discord server, you should fill up a form, to try to get unbanned. Please remind that exploiting at any of our facilities, raiding, threatening someone, or any other type of abuse that may break the ROBLOX ToS are not eligible to write a form.

Please don’t keep bothering any of our HR+ members to evaluate your appeal. Failure to do so should decrease your chances of getting your appeal accepted. Appeals may take up to 48 hours to be evaluated; so we ask you to be patient while waiting for your results.

To ban appeal, you may DM one of our Managing Department members answering the following questions:

  • Roblox username:
  • Discord tag:
  • Are you appealing for the first time?
  • What was the reason of your ban?
  • Why should we accept your appeal?
  • What actions will you take on the future to prevent this from happening again?
  • Will you follow Lychée’s rules and guidelines?

Finally, in case your appeal is not accepted, you should wait for 7 days in order to write an appeal again.

Recipe Guide

:coffee: In this guide, you may find the correct way to create Lychée drinks. Our purpose on this guide is to assist Baristas that may be in doubt on how to craft a certain beverage. This Recipe Guide may be used only at Lychée facilities.

Regular: Cup + Regular
Decaf: Cup + Decaf
Espresso: Cup + Espresso
Cappuccino: Cup + Espresso + Milk + Steamer + Foam
Latte: Cup + Milk + Steamer + Espresso
Frappe: Cup + Regular + Milk + Ice
Mocha: Cup + Milk + Steamer + Chocolate Flavour + Espresso
Hot Chocolate: Cup + Milk + Steamer + Chocolate Flavour
Tea: Cup + Water + Steamer + Tea Flavour

Bubble Tea: Clear Cup + Milk + Bubble Tea Syrup + Mixer + Tapioca Pearls
Juice: Clear Cup + Water + Fruit Flavour + Mixer
Smoothie: Clear Cup + Ice + Blender + Fruit Flavour + Blender
Milkshake: Clear Cup + Milk + Flavour + Ice + Mixer

Promotion Tips

:bulb: As a Senior Barista, your duty is to serve customers properly, using the experience you’ve acquired during your trainings and also all the knowledge you have about the café. In order to get promoted to Head Barista, you should firstly achieve 100 points at the café, by serving customers at the counters.

After that, you may DM a Coordinator+ to rank you to Head Barista, with a screenshot of your points in game. Once DMed, you should be ranked to your next rank within 24 hours. Remember that earning the Head Barista rank is only valid if you’re in our Discord server.

As a Head Barista, your duty is basically the same as a Senior Barista. Now, you possess the “kick” command, and this command can only be used in case there’s no admins in the cafe. Abusing this command may lead to a demotion, and you won’t be able to earn the Head Barista rank anymore. You’re now eligible to become an Assistant at Lychée, as well, you must know that you may get the Intern rank first. Remember that it’s required that you be in the communications server; if you’re not, your Head Barista rank shall be removed and you won’t be eligible to become an Assistant.

Here’s some essential tips that may help you to earn your next rank.

  1. Remain active at the cafe. We know that this is a basic and well known tip for promotions in this field, but being active is very crucial and that enhances the interest of the Managing Department to promote you.
  1. Try to spectate, at least, a training session per week. We’ve opened our spectating spots, and they’re very low, but that may help a lot in your journey of getting promoted at Lychée. This isn’t required; however, it may help.
  1. Always be helpful whenever you can, although, don’t ask others if they need help with something excessively. If a barista or customer approaches you and asks you to help with something, go ahead and tell them the correct steps properly! If you don’t know the answer, you should redirect them to another person; this attitude is better and way more interesting to the Managing Department than faking answers. If you need help, ask another barista for support. This is also very important, as it may develop a better reputation and image to HRs.
  1. Never hint or beg for a promotion. Saying things such as “oh, I’ve been working for 15 days and I still haven’t got promoted!” is considered hinting. This may decrease your chances a lot, and may diminish the interest of the Managing department to promote you.
  1. Grammar is not required at Lychée, however, your sentences must still be legible, and you must show the domain of the English language. Proper punctuation, such as commas, may help and ease the reader when reading a sentence written by you.
  1. Head Baristas receive the kick GUI. This can only be used to punish trollers and other disruptive members. Keep in mind that using this command while a MR+ is in game, even if they’re AFK, may lead to a demotion, and you won’t be eligible to become a Head Barista+ at Lychée anymore.
  1. In conclusion, make sure to follow all the proper rules and guidelines. The Managing Department always seeks for people who follow all the terms and conditions written by Lychée. Make sure that following these may high your chances of getting promoted!

This guide may include only the principal topics of getting promoted at Lychée, but following all these tips and guidelines for sure may help you increase your chances of getting promoted, and also, your hard efforts and dedication won’t be unnoticed. Don’t hesitate to direct to anyone of the Managing Department any questions or concerns. We wish you the best of luck!

:white_check_mark: CONCLUSION

The Executive Department has created this handbook, in partnership with the Managing and Relations Department, to help the community to deal with questions, doubts, or even debates to see the best solution to deal with something. All the text documented above shall be followed accordingly and can be used to prove an attitude when needed. All the information contained in this handbook belongs entirely to Lychée and cannot be copied by any other company; further consequences may be applied, as copying this handbook inappropriately may be considered plagiarism. Don’t hesitate to contact anyone about something that does not contain in the handbook; you can redirect it to any High Rank or Super Rank.

The Executive Department.

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